~The Beginning~

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"You are my heart, my life, my one and only thought."

Hi, my name is Stacy I grew up in Paris, France I'm half French and half Korean I know it's a weird combination my mom traveled to France because she's always been wanting to go since she was a little girl but instead of viewing the sights she ended up falling in love with a guy who is my dad. My dad was born in France my grandparents were born in France too I love my parents so much. They ended up having two beautiful children which are me and my younger brother Jayden just by a year, I love my brother a lot but sometimes he can be a little annoying and a brat but I still love him.

But anyways when I turned 15 we moved out and decided to live in Korea my moms home land so she can continue doing her business over there we are pretty wealthy but we're not that rich either, I was also able to learn 3 languages French, Korean, and English but I mostly talk in Korean because it's my mom's language and also hard to learn.

I was put into a school I'm not sure what kind of school but my parents said it'll be good for my education I was currently in my 3rd year of high school which means I'm 17 years old.

My school subjects are boring especially physics how can someone find physics fun and easy, if I find someone like that I would say their sick in the head because I could never.

But anyways school umm I'm not really popular at school very much well everyone hates me I get bullied and made fun of every day well ever since I came to this school because I'm not fully Korean but my brother is very popular all the girls are head over heels for him, having the perfect image and yet they bully me when we're related he's also half French and not fully Korean yet they still praise him?

I could never understand how my brother does it, sometimes I wish I was like him because I hate being someone no one likes...

It was Monday in June and I had school today I hate Mondays their the worst well every school day is the worst. I was dropped off by my father and I walked into the school and went to the cafeteria to get breakfast because the school food here was like no other!

I decided to get pancakes with a side of fruits and with Orange Juice I always get this for breakfast because it's really delicious.

I sat down at a empty table as I ate my breakfast until I heard footsteps coming towards me...

"Hey Stacy what are you wearing?" That girl that just came up to me that's Emma the girl who loves to make fun of me and make my life a living hell...

"I'm just wearing my uniform like everyone else what's the problem?" I said back to her but she decided to grab my plate of food and throw it in the trash

"I wasn't talking about what you were wearing I was talking about this" as she finished talking she had something in her hand and slapped it in my face I was so shocked by her actions I stood up and I heard people laughing at me "It was a good day to bring sugar powder" Emma said as she left the cafeteria while people continued to laugh at me.

I ran to the bathroom to wash up what Emma did, as I finished washing up I looked in the mirror wondering if my suffering would end. I know people may say "well why don't you defend yourself" that's a good question but I already have an answer to that, I can't really defend myself because last time I did it Emma managed to get me suspended for 3 weeks and my parents were very disappointed in me and I would never want them to be disappointed in me so I just let things happen to me so I wouldn't get in trouble like last time

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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