Oc 1

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Name: izzy Larson

Age: 16-17

Gender: female

Species: human

Tribe: humans (formerly) various mixel tribes.

Personality: kind, creative, friendly, smart, energetic, caring, oblivious at times, outgoing, helpful, supportive.

Appearance: (body) slightly hour-glass, fair white skin, blue eyes, blue hair on top before purple hair on the bottom, rosey cheeks, curly hair. (Clothing) white shirt on the inside, wears violet overall-dress, wears blue and white shoe-boots, crystals on the back of her hair similar like a necklace, wears a colorful beaded necklace on her right wrist.

Likes: color, drawing, mixels, flain (crush), helping out her friends, stopping the nixels, mixed foods, crystals.

Dislikes: needles, nixels, bullies, being alone, seeing mixels sad, her friends hurt.

Family: mixels.

Friends: the mixels (especially flain)

Enemies: nixels, major nixel, king nixel, bullies.

Crush: flain

Others: is the first human to be in the mixelverse, was raised in an orphanage in the human world before being transferred to the mixelverse.

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