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OC Crossover pt I Cookie Run: Mini
Warning: There is a lot of Vulgar language in this story
Star (me): hey you two :D

Marco: Fuck me

Sky and Marco turn to the source of the voice, only to frown almost immediately upon visual contact with the source.

Sky: What do YOU want

Marcos feathers slowing starting puffing up, his wings flaring out to cover Star's view Sky

Star: Rude > (... anyway I was wondering if you two would like to go on a small journey-

Marco: when you say small do you mean that we'll be there for several unbearable weeks until you feel like bringing us back

The pair stare at Star awaiting an answer, only for her to start smiling

Star: Correct my feathery friend...

Sky: Do we get a say in this...

Star: :........ Absolutely not!

Star snaps her fingers, allowing a portal to be created under Marco and Sky.

Marco: oooh you stupid *falls* BI|ITCH

The portal closes returning the room to a weird silence

Star: hope they find out that I changed it up a bit for their own enjoyment

*Meanwhile in the Other Universe*

(Takes place near the beginning

Gingerbrave: They won't bother us again-

*Cue Sky and Marco falling out of a portal, with Marco landing half way into the ground*

Marco: I hate the bitch....

Sky stands, trying to get an understanding of the surrounding

Sky: Where the Hell are we any way?

Sky: and WHY do I feel different

Marco pulls himself from the hold made from the impact he looks relieved for a few seconds before slowly changing into a horrified look

Marco: Sky... take a look at yourself please


Marco: Sky I'm begging you in the name Christ to look at yourself please.

Sky slowing look down at one of her paw to see that it's not longer covered in fur but in a smooth texture... frosting. She glances back at Marco to see that he too has gone through the transformation

Both: What... The.... Fu-

Gingerbrave: Um... Hello..

The two animals turn to see a group of people-wait no, cookies staring back at them

Gingerbrave: who are you two..... and why the the heck did you both fall out the sky-
*Wizard jabs his elbow into the Gingerbrave's waist silencing him*
Wizard: What Gingerbrave meant to say was... are you to okay?
Sky stands up tumbling a little bit
Sky: We're fine... but one question... WHERE THE EVER LIVING F*CK ARE WE
The cookies back up not knowing that an animal could use such vulgar language
Gingerbrave: First off language, there are children around here
Sky and Marco: -
Gingerbrave: Second, You're in Earthbread, the land where is cookies and many more live!!:D
Sky: (Earthbread...... Where have I heard that name before...)
Sky: (...
... Oh wait)

Sky: Is your name.. Gingerbrave by any chance
Ginger's eyes widen
Ginger:.. how did you know that...
Sky: Your friend said your name earlier.. Wizard Cookie am I right?
*Wizard Cookie nods*
Sky: For now all I can say l've heard about you before.. but where.. I won't be telling you~
Ginger:(ok.. creepy)
Ginger: Anyway...... What your name little mouse?
Sky: (Bitch, Im about two time taller than you sitting down!)
Sky: Names Sky and the Parrot hybrid over there questioning his sanity is Marco and what are the rest of your names?
Gingerbrave: Well you've already met me and Wizard Cookie, I guess the only one you haven't met is Strawberry Cookie-
Sky pushes the two boys to the side to get a better look at the hooded figure
Strawberry: H-hello

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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