The tour

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Ben's Pov

I was already waiting about fifteen minutes when a girl came up the steps of the school. I looked at her. She was wearing a dark leather jacket with a skirt. Under her jacket she had on a crop top shirt. She smiled at me as she came up a bag following behind her.

"Hi I'm Josie. I hope you weren't waiting long." Josie said happily.

"Drop that off in the female dorms and then meet me in the hallway." I said coldly.

"Oh ok." Josie mumbled.

I could hear inside the dorms as I waited. I heard every step Josie took and it was driving me crazy. I heard the introductions all of them had as they started talking.

"It's actually bad luck that you have Ben as a tour guide. He's a little different then us. He is a witch but he's something more." One of the girls said.

I couldn't make out who it was that was talking but she didn't exactly stop. She kept talking about how different and screwed up I was without really revealing anything.

"So he's a little different is that such a bad thing? I mean I'm different." Josie defended.

"Not like him. We do know that you're a shippon but um he is even more different. He's a werewolf. At least we are pretty sure he is. No one exactly knows but it's pretty obvious." The girl said.

"Look I've got to go. Ben is waiting and I shouldn't keep him." Josie said.

I heard the loud steps down the stairs when she came down. The door swung open and I waited for her to say something. When she didn't I just tried to finish the tour fast. Of course it wasn't too hard as I left out the boring stuff. Josie just listened as I spoke. When I was finally done Josie and I headed to the headmasters office. When we entered the room Josie waited in the back of the room by the door.

"Hey Ms.Bennet? I brought Josie like you asked." I said.

Bonnie Bennet turned around in her chair smiling. She looked at Josie who ran into her arms.

"Aunt Bonnie if I knew you ran the school I would have visited a long time ago!" Josie exclaimed.

"Thanks sweetie. Ben how many times do I have to tell you. It's Bonnie. Ms.Bennet was my grandma." Bonnie said.

"Sorry just a habit. FYI you need to keep those girls under control in those dorms. There's times I feel like tearing their heads off with my teeth and control is not exactly my strong suit." I growled.

"Well I thank you for trying. Where they spreading things around again?" Bonnie asked.

"So you are a werewolf. How does that work?" Josie questioned.

"My father is a werewolf a very important and powerful werewolf. My mom was a witch. Also very strong and powerful. Actually they both Where. Last news I got of them the tribrid had killed them." I said.

"Hope? Why would Hope kill them?" Josie asked.

"Ben's parents where both apart of triad. He was offered both roles of his family. King of the wolves and king of the witches. He turned down both. His parents aren't his favorite people." Bonnie explained.

"That's putting it nicely. Next time you talk to you're friend tell I said thanks." I said.

"Um ok." Josie croaked.

"Look I've got to go. Tell any student to stay out of the woods will you? The full moon is getting close and I need to turn." I said.

"Ok. See you soon. Just go straight to the woods I'll bring clothes down later." Bonnie said.

I spent half the night in the woods running around chasing wild animals. When I started to head back towards the school I smelt an odd scent. I followed it and saw Josie sleeping under a tree next to a pile of clothes. I picked up the clothes with my teeth and changed behind the tree. When I came out Josie was still sleeping. I picked her up and carried her to the school. I kicked the door to the girls dorms and managed to knock it open. When I carried her inside towards her room I hit the door. It opened and the girls inside screamed. I just scoffed at their reaction.

"Wait is that Josie?" Mia asked.

"No it's the queen of England." I said.

"No need to be rude." Mia scoffed.

"Oh yeah me rude. I'm so the one who runs away from someone just because they walk by. Or scream like I'm about to kill you when I'm just bringing Josie to her room. Don't talk to me about being rude." I growled.

I brought Josie to her bed. When I set her down I managed to get her shoes off and socks. I set the blanket over her and put her head on the pillow. When I went to get up Josie pulled me back down. She was still sleeping. But her hands turned red and I started to feel weak as I fell asleep.

I woke up and Josie's roommates where staring at me. I looked around and started to remember what happened before I passed out.

"She shipponed me. I think she's still shipponing me will someone get her hands off me?" I asked.

It took three of them to get Josie to let go. Witch for someone who weighed 90 pounds was impressive. I headed to the door when I realized my shoes where missing. I went back and put them on but Josie woke up. Her eyes went wide when she saw me.

"Please tell me we didn't have sex." Josie blurted out.

"Sex? How about kidnapping?" Mia laughed.

"Yeah he brought you here and you grabbed his arm pulled him to the bed and shipponed him until he passed out." Kate explained.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to." Josie cried.

"I've slept worse. Plus Shipponing doesn't hurt not me anyway. Don't you all have places to be?" I asked.

"Maybe." Mia said as they all left.

"And I'm in different clothes then I was last night." I mumbled.

Josie chuckled and went into the bathroom. That was the last time I saw her for a few hours. The next time was at lunch. Who would have thought that just yesterday morning I had no intention of speaking to her but now I was hoping to see her all day. I was changing in a way I didn't expect. I didn't know what you as happening to me. But I didn't care it felt good.

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