big story time

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Fake dating story bla bla bla

It started as a joke...

We were doing something stupid and...

I don't think it's a joke anymore...

During online learning when I was still doing it actually online and she was in regular school it was sport so I went over to the tennis court up the road from my house and when we were done we started walking to the park across from it because my mum let us hang out there for 5 minutes before we had to go back to the house

I was just going to go on the swing they had there but I saw someone there, at first I thought oh great because I didn't like it when others were there, but when I came closer I was it was my friend iris, we started to talk and agreed to meet up there after school and that continued for a week and a bit until she couldn't go anymore because she had to go back to her house, cuz she was staying at her grandparents

It was November, I hadn't seen irisin about a month I think, the weather was nice and the cicadas buzzed, I couldn't have imagined what would happen. We were on the steps outside of our classroom in lockdown, we had to go back to school though because our parents were busy with work so we were stuck at school.

It was break 2 and we were hanging out with our other friends when I walked up the stairs and looked to my friend Mya and said, look I'm taller than you now, because I'm a lot shorter than her, and h/n, my other 'friend' came up with me, and said something about us ruling together or something like that, I can't remember now, but we made an agreement that we would get married/have our honeymoon when we went to the beach next, because we had surfing once a week at the beach when we were in year 6, I was 11, she was 12,

a little later than this point in time I was just discovering myself and exploring all these different sexualities and I found I identified a lot as bisexual, that was honestly shocking to me but anyways back to the story

When we were planning our honeymoon another one of our friends, h/n, gave us a paper saying we would be married on the 25th Nov and we both signed it not really knowing that the joke would still be going just a little over a year later. That was basically the second last week of school but we were in different surfing groups so we didn't see each other the whole day, I joked that it was great but in reality I would've liked it more if we actually saw each other in that period but I'm ok with it now, it doesn't bug me as much

When we got back to school it was lunch so we ate and then when the break was over we did sports and other things

Then the next week went by and it was the holidays. We barely talked throughout the 6-8 weeks but I was busy either with family, being busy and not allowed on my phone or talkin to someone I really liked at the time, h/n

I liked her for a long time like from a little before new years to a week before term 4 of year 7 started,

Back to the actual story

iris had cheer like 3 hrs away from school and that took up a lot of her time so she transferred to online learning while I stayed at the same place and in term 2 I heard that iris was going to the youth group some of our other friends were going to through my friend ella, and later she invited me as her friend date and I said yes because I didn't really go to youth but I wanted to go to the prom night, little did I know I would be going terms later

And during these times sometimes iris would be grounded for some reason or another, and we hung out and started to get to know each other a bit more over time

After a few terms (term 4) it was the last youth night and it was big night, me and iris hung out with one of our youth friends Holly and we started talking

In this conversation Holly asked us what we think of the lgbtqia+ community and me and iris just sorta looked at each other awkwardly because we're both apart of it so I shifted and she looked at me then I pointed at her and said ask her then she said not me and she was sitting in a weird position she had her legs up on the chair but she was sorta laying down sideways on it and now I wish we spent more time than just youth together

before that we went to the ice cream truck the got for us and h/n got a choc top with nuts and Holly got a sherbet one And I got a plain choc top it was good but by the time I was done with the first half Holly and iris were basically done but then I decided I didn't want it

When the night ended iris waked me to my car because it was in the car park across from the church and she waited for her ride

When I got home I asked iris what we were, if we were just a fake marriage and we both came to the conclusion we were

And left it at that..., that is until two days later when I asked iris if she liked me and she said she did

Now, I think at least a week later me and iris are dating (properly this time) and I couldn't be happier,

Even though she has her anger issues and is mean to my friends (some of them) I couldn't care less she is a great person and I wouldn't change anything about her, I love how she's ok with me being needy and liking spooning her and she just listens to me when I need someone

She's the best person I could've asked for and I'm so grateful that she is with me, though I wish we could spend more time together

One of my biggest fears is that I would die and no one would care

But I feel safe with iris and I feel I can trust her with my problems even if they are stupid and she'll support me and I'll support her no matter what, it doesn't matter if it's my best friend or anyone against her I will try and always be on her side

And if she ever needs someone to talk to, even if she isn't a very sensitive person, I will always be there for her

The person I love, will always have me, can be herself around me, and I don't give two shits if she has anger issues cuz that's what makes her, her, and I love that person so much

I love you iris, I hope you know that

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