Cutiosity Killed The Catfish - Prologue

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Ikkan and Namida are in the studio talking about the future of the band and Ikkans situation.
Namida suggests he takes a break from the band to get well.
He listens to her unwillingly after a lengthy discussion and goes home.

As Ikkan left the studio he felt dizzy. It was as if a wave of despair and fear had swept over him. He was stuck between its currents, slowed down in every move.
Ikkan closed the door after himself as he stepped out of the building. Usually the clacking sound of the door shutting its heavy self would set a feeling of ease free in him after a long day of work.
But recently it all felt the same. His senses didn't even pick it up this time.
With blurry vision and an empty look, Ikkan started walking.
His feet took him to his apartment and like muscle memory to his bedroom where he let himself fall onto his bed.
Staring at the ceiling, he focused on the white paint and the way the brush had spread it before furniture entered this room.
"Fuck." he turned to his side.
He was so tired and all he wanted was the time back where he could stay up on purpose and use the 2AM creativity rush to contribute to SquidSquad.

((((inserting screenshots of chats later))))

Falling asleep was harder than ever, even Ichiya noticed Ikkans sleepiness and he had never seen him without bags underneath his eyes.
But even tho it was difficult to sleep in, waking up was even more painful.
He didn't want to sleep, he didn't want to dream, he didn't want to wake up in realisation.
The room went darker and then pitch black, he could only see the outlines of some of his stuff laying all over the place. Ikkan didn't turn the lights on, what would he need them for?
Eventually, his body forced him to sleep out of exhaustion.

Curiosity Killed The Catfish - A Diss'pair FFWhere stories live. Discover now