Chapter 3

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I was taken to Knightsbridge where he lived comfortably as a college professor. He saw me and was pleased that I was well looked after all these years. He asked me pointed questions about what I can do. To be candid I never fully got a chance to figure them out so I lowered my head. He smiled, "You will perfect them my dear and everything will be alright." I was shown my new room. A few hours later the other three showed up in chains. Dracula placed Sonja's head at my feet and asked me if I wanted anything. I just wanted to rest before I find a productive job to do. He gave his approval and asked his lackeys to introduce his other children to the sun. They begged and pleaded on their knees as they were dragged to the sunroom. Their mothers pleaded with him and he sent them to the basement to be encased in an iron maiden again. This time they will be sent far away and his wives will never know where they are. His subordinates were discouraged from being loyal to them. So their pleas were heard by deaf ears. They looked at me with intense resentment. In their state of hatred, they blurted out that he brought me here to bleed. He wants to be a daywalker and he was willing to do anything to make it happen. All because he found the doppelganger of his dead wife. My mind went to war with me. Half wanted to tell them to shut up. The other half reminded me that they only say that because they like use to honesty as a weapon. I chose to find out if what they were saying was true. If so then my protection is over. The gypsies and werewolves had studied my movements, my habits and my likes too. They can pick up my scent even in their sleep

I transformed into a gypsy and walked into his office. I pretended to clean his bookshelves and eavesdropped on his conversation. I realized the other wives were telling the truth. He found his wife's clone and he wanted to be her. But the thing was the vampire hunters were after him and he needed to throw them off his scent. She is engaged to a vampire hunter too. He belongs to a secret organization called the brotherhood of the wolves. Their mission is to kill all the vampires and werewolves. They are willing to kill their own to achieve their goal.

I quietly walked out after I was done. I walked towards the nearest exit. On the way I heard the wolves talk to each other about who is better at tracking people with their scent. I remembered all of my stuff was in the house. If I leave then they can find me with my scent. So I went back in to find all of my things. With a heavy heart I burned it all. I turned into a bunch of bats and flew to one of the trees that can give me a good view. I remain as a bunch of bats. I hung upside down and observed the scenery. They assumed that I had died in the fire. I heard Dracula scream in sadness. His wives tried to console him. They seemed to happy. He must have sensed treason so he ordered the people to find the people who had been responsible. He turned to his wives. They played innocent and even swore by his dead wife. He wasn't going to let someone get in the way of his happiness. He ordered his wives to tell him everything. They swore they had nothing to do with but in a fit of rage he bit one of them. He must have seen the memory of them telling me about his plans to drain me. He escorted them to the sun room and locked them in. When the sun rose I could hear them screaming in agony. I can smell their flesh burning. Then the screams stopped. Dracula ordered his men to go to every place that could get me out of this city. Make a scene if they have to but make sure nobody leaves this city for the next few hours. They called the police and said that there was a bomb in one of the trains. These people had no idea what I am capable of. I can say vise versa about some of dad's cronies.

I eavesdropped on their plans and came up with a simple solution. I flew to London. Making stops here and there. I stole food from campers as I went to the central London. I changed my looks and walked to the docks where the boats were. I knew I couldn't go home. My family is long dead. There is no one that will protect me. So I am on my own.

Soon my throat burned for blood. I knew if I drank then I would attract the attention of both types of hunters. I tried to think clearly but my throat was on fire. I remembered that the city is monitored twenty four hours, seven days a week. I needed get away but I need to feed. So I found a junkie unconscious and took him under the bridge and bleed him dry and set him on fire. Now my mind was clear. I decided that I will stay here in London. It is unlikely that I would meet my dad.

I got a job as waitress. I work the night shift and spend the day either a sleep or going to the library and enjoy a book. That was my routine till I saw Gabriel. He is Dracula's head security. Yes even the prince of darkness has a head of security. He is a lethal werewolf. He was staring at me and I knew that I am screwed so I pretended to use the bathroom and changed my looks to someone else. I changed my clothes and walked out. He didn't know it was me as I walked away. I walked past him in case he smelled me. The wind blew and I heard quick footsteps around when I turned a corner. I quickly entered a house and quietly climbed upstairs. I opened the window and turned into a bunch of bats. I flew as fast as I could to my apartment. I packed my stuff and walked out of the apartment. Someone else rented the place immediately. She was a neat freak so she spent sometime scrubbing the place. My scent slowly faded till it smelled like cleaning fluid.

I happily walked twenty paces when I saw Roth. He is sharp as a tack. He will figure it out in no time that I change my looks which means I am in boiling water. I quietly walked in the opposite direction and hopped on the bus. It took me the train station. I saw that the sky was turning dark. I saw dark gray clouds in the sky that means dad will be on the streets looking for me. How do I know? Because Gabriel is here. He will never let dad go anywhere unless he is at least a few blocks away. Dad will go from one person to another smelling them to find out which one is me. I quietly sprayed myself with deodorant to mask my scent. I waited ten minutes before I walked out to counter. But there was another werewolf named Logan. I knew that I was toast but still pushed my luck to walk to the counter. He didn't pick up my scent. I was able to pay for a ticket to the Orient Express train.

I boarded the train and so did dad. The entire time I am thinking I should have boarded cruiser or something. Maybe I can still hop off so I did. I pretended to lose something and climbed out. The train took off without me. I sat down at the one of the little shops and enjoyed a salted beef sandwich. One of dad's cronies walked past me without any knowledge it was me. I smiled silently that I duped them. Then I heard something that made me want to vomit. "The signal is coming from here. I put a tracker in her so that if she leaves I would know where she is. She is still here in the station." Logan asked, "Are you sure you put a tracker in her?" Duke retorted, "It's in her stomach. I spiked her drink before it reached her. There is so much interference so I can't get a bead on her" I quietly walked to the bathroom and kept vomiting till my stomach was completely empty. I saw a sliver of silver light. It was the size of a single grain of rice. I flushed it and quickly walked out. I pulled up my hoodie to cover my face to make sure no one saw me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2023 ⏰

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