(chapter 5) ƉƗ$$₳₱ɆɌƗ₦₲

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Natsuhiko was talking about no.6 I tried to stay awake but..i fell asleep in the sleeping bag from 5 minutes- "so kou-kun i guess it's just me and you staying awake then." Kou seemed a little tried but he's trying his best to stay awake..a few hours later I woke up and saw my hand starting to fade away I got up and ran to one of the mirrors outside the classroom where kou and natsuhiko were at I saw my body, my face starting to fade- "no- nonononono- this- this can't be real I must be dreaming or SOMETHING!-I started to freak out until kou walked out and saw me- fading away

kou!- wh-whats happening to me-?! I cried.. And feeling breaks go down my cheeks..kou looked at me he looked scared..and upset after that moment..

I haven't seen him again..is this my last life to stay in the real world..but the boundaries are closing the real world..back to the place. The after life.and going back to the mirrors there being trapped in there like a bird in a cage trying to escape..but there's no escapes for me...but I only got one good memory of my friends to see them again.....

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