It's All In The Name

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Nemo and Anna arrive at the Titanic's planks, disappointed by its eerie appearance. Gagging over its hybrid smells of sour clothing and death itself. But what really draws their attention is the unguarded entrance and no sign of Tony Stark. "He said he'll be here right?" Nemo whispers.

"Yeah and I got the text message to prove it."

"Well I'm not budging unless I have proof my life isn't in danger."

"Danger?" Anna asks, "We have 6 of the 7 Avatars to protect us and Tony agreed to be here with the last one. Trust me, we'll be fine on board."

In that very instant, a strong odor shoots pass their noses and Anna cringes from the smell. Sarcastically, Nemo says, "After you. I'll take my chances right here."

"If you think a filthy ship is going to stop me from this mission, you got it all wrong." She travels across the planks alone and turns on the flashlight Avatar to see inside. She looks deeper and hears crackling and distant explosions. Desolated and bleak, the dark arena grumbles with sporadic spitting gases. A loud electric pop from the tower forces Anna to flinch and fall onto her gown.

From the rear, dozens of Chitauri soldiers stampede in her direction. Leaping, screaming in a panic, Anna is frozen by their numbers. She desperately uses the invisible Avatar and falls into a ball. The hideous army fly high and above without noticing her arrival.

Suddenly she hears Nemo screaming. She deactivates the invisible Avatar and follows the sound. Anna finds Tony Stark and Nemo finding off the army of Chitauri aliens.

"No, no, no." Anna fumbles in her bag trying to radio Nemo knowing that everything relies on Tony's missing avatars.

Ignorant to this information, Tony is charging to use atomic Avatar while Nemo is using his water Avatar to hold them off.

"Don't Tony!" Anna screams. "Don't use it." Anna combines the fire and gas Avatar and aims the capsules towards the Chitauri. As she attempts to fire she drops one of them and chases it further inside the ship.

She's too late, Tony activates the atomic Avatar and eradicates the Chitauri in seconds. The walls shatters and the concrete sky falls in its reach.

Anna screams, "Why Tony? I told you under no circumstances to use the atomic Avatar. Now it's useless and we won't have enough power to defeat the Frozen Knights.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2015 ⏰

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