Transcript 01

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death eater meeting | february 9 1999
[excerpt] 10:00 PM - 10:19 PM

LESTRANGE: It was Dolohov, my lord! He jumped rashly into battle, alerting us to the muggle police too soon. Had it not been for his idiocy and incompetence, our attack would have been perfectly executed!

DOLOHOV: Don't you dare try to pin this one on me, Lestrange. She's covering up what actually happened to save her own skin. And who fired the first spell? Rookwood! It was Rookwood! If anyone's to blame here, it's Rookwood!

ROOKWOOD: Excuse me, I cast it because you told me to—

LESTRANGE: Save my own skin? You're walking a thin line, Dolohov, a dangerously thin line. How dare you accuse me of trying to save my own skin!

GIBBON: You're not fooling anybody, Lestrange. We were all there—

KARKAROFF: Actually, Gibbon, I seem to recall that you were not. You were fooling around on the side, too much of a—what is the word?—ah, yes, fraidy-cat, to be of any actual use. As per usual.

YAXLEY: Come now, everyone here knows that Gibbon's a coward. But Lestrange, I would have expected better from you, of all people—

LESTRANGE: You have no idea what to expect from me, Yaxley; you'd better watch yourself or your tongue will end up tied to your intestines—

DOLOHOV: Put that wand away, you're pointing it at me—

ZABINI: Will you all shut up, you're making my ears bleed—

PARKINSON: Yeah, be quiet—

LESTRANGE: Oh, so our young, inexperienced recruits wish to join in now? Very well, open your mouths and I'll hex your sassy tongues to the wall!

NOTT SR: Relax, Lestrange, they're barely of age. Once can hardly expect them to be rational—

YAXLEY: —Anyway, it seems to me as if you're creating a diversion, turning on the young ones so that you don't earn yourself attention. In fact—

LESTRANGE: Oh, yes, Yaxley, go on, finish your sentence—I dare you—although on the topic of diversions, I seem to remember you being the first to fall for the rebels'. You nearly wet your sorry little trousers! HA! And you blame me for the failure of our attack!

YAXLEY: 'Sorry little trousers!' It's Malfoy who led us straight into the ambush!

MALFOY SR: Shut up, Yaxley. Did I imperio you? Were you forced to follow me? I wasn't even the one who suggested that the rebels were there, that was entirely Dolohov.

DOLOHOV: Back to me again! You lot of blustering idiots, we all know that Bellatrix's at fault here—

LESTRANGE: If you say my name one more time—

DOLOHOV: You'll what? Hex my fingers off? You're all empty threats, no action at all—

LESTRANGE: I'll show you action, you snivelling fool—come here—


(10-second interval.)

DARK LORD: Dolohov.

DOLOHOV: M-my lord?

DARK LORD: Explain to me exactly what happened that led to twenty of my followers being killed or incapacitated.

(5-second interval.)

DARK LORD: Crucio.


(8-second interval.)

DARK LORD: I'll ask again. What happened at King's Cross?

DOLOHOV: I-i-it was the rebels—the rebels showed up unexpectedly, t-they ambushed us before we even got to the station—I'm sorry, my lord, please have m-mercy, I didn't mean—

DARK LORD: Shut up, Dolohov.

(6-second interval.)

DARK LORD: The rebels...

LESTRANGE: There is no reason to worry, my lord. The rebels are a scattered bunch of drowned rats at this point, plotting in the shadows and scrounging for hope where there is none. They are no match for your regime, and had we not been caught by surprise today, they would have been slaughtered. Say the word, my lord, and I will make the streets run red with their blood.

DARK LORD: Still, I cannot continue with my plan to conquer the muggle world if they are to constantly get in the way. And surely there are more of them than came to King's Cross; they would not send all their forces at once.

LESTRANGE: What will you do, my lord? Will you seek them out and slaughter them?

DARK LORD: No. Not yet.

(15-second interval.)

DARK LORD: You are dismissed. I need time to think. And Draco?

MALFOY JR: Y-yes, my lord.

DARK LORD: Stay behind a moment.

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