7 Wubboxes locked in a room

300 3 4

Yes, only 7.

Most of the Wubboxes are nonverbal/mostly nonverbal, however they're written speaking for convenience. Assume that they're talking in Dubstep noises rather than English or Monstrous. Except Vaka, it can speak English and Monstrous.

Another note, technically speaking these Wubboxes are OCs. They have their own distinct personalities, relationships, and names. If lore isn't relevant, assume it's been retconned.

Final note, there may be ships. Reader discretion is advised. I don't know what ships yet, but it's building up to be AirxEarth. I don't know why. I would say I'm sorry, but I think we can all agree that the other Wubbox stories are far worse (cringe-wise, Idk if they're good or anything cuz I haven't read 'em).


Omatsu taps its sharp claws against the wooden table. A feeling of awkwardness hangs over the entire room. Why, exactly, did the Werdos leave them all in a room together?

"So, uh." Vimana starts, but immediately goes silent again.

"...do any of us actually want to be in here?" Sylvio asks. 

The question is met with a resounding, unspoken "no".

"Well, I for one would love to get to know you all!" Zizzou beams.

Kodiak glances up. "uh, me as well." It says quietly, oddly shy for a Wubbox.

Omatsu doesn't say anything, simply glancing over to Vaka and Common.

"I think that would be fun! I mean, we both know you all already, but it'd be nice to all exchange stories and stuff!" Common says.

"W-ell, I g-guess it-t's decide-ided th-en." Vaka states, moving to grab more chairs.

Oh, okay. Just ignore the fact Omatsu hadn't said anything yet, that's fine.


Oh, yeah, also, all the Wubboxes use it/its pronouns. So that you're aware.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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