Season 1, Episode 12

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Sophie and Keefe stood on the altar as the music played. Keefe thought Sophie looked okay. She was looking at him like he was the world. They were about to be married, but then Tam burst in through the wall using his epic emoness. His silver bangs drifted in the wind that was suddenly inside the church.

"Tam," Fitz growled. Her pink pigtails bounced as she stood up and glared at him.

Keefe remained silent. Still. Breathless.


"Shut up, Fitz," Tam said monotonously. "This is between me and Keefe, I'll leave if he tells me to."

The walls seemed to constrict as Tam's eyes met Keefe's.

"Keefe," Tam whispered. "Is this really what you want? Give me the word, and I will leave and never come back–and you and Sophie can live a happy life."

Sophie furrowed her brow and took his hand. "I'll be fine."

Keefe nodded solemnly, and stepped down from the altar.

"What do you think you're–"

"Enough," Keefe said, pushing Fitz out of the way. He continued down the altar until he reached Tam. He grabbed the lapels of Tam's suit and pulled him into a kiss.


Season 1, Episode 12 - kotlc KamWhere stories live. Discover now