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605 13 14

Requested by: Eterniityx

Hope you like it!

(!This contains some Dark Cacao spoilers!)


The Dark Cacao Kingdom endlessly lived in danger surrounding them. The citizens of the kingdom feared that soon one day the time will come when the kingdom would fall. The kingdoms king Dark Cacao tries his best to not let that happen by upgrading the walls, get new watchers and guards to watch over the kingdom and protect it and also making sure everyone has enough food. As a king that is responsible for his own kingdom Dark Cacao pushes aside all of his own needs to try and get the Dark Cacao kingdom to be safe and the citizens living there to be happy.

However, there are obstacles into achieving such goals. Affogato Cookie is one of them. He is known as Dark Cacaos right hand, if you will. But really all he tries to do is get the king eliminated from the kingdom in some way to become the leader of this kingdom himself. Affogato often tries to manipulate and get Dark Cacao to make idiotic decisions. That rarely works out though.

Then there's Dark Cacaos lovely partner - C/n. Dark Cacao tries to protect his partner at all cost, because he does not want to lose C/n like he lost his son Dark Choco.

C/n was known as a brave warrior. C/n fought against the licorice monsters that were recently popping up around the Kingdom walls. C/n and the maids of the Kingdom were the only people that were able to enter Dark Cacaos room and help him. C/n meant a lot to him and it shows.

Ever since The prince of the Kingdom - Dark Choco almost killed his own father and left to go with the dark cookies, the Kingdom was not in best shape. Dark Choco was Dark Cacaos only child. After looking for ways to improve and upgrade the kingdom, Dark Choco stumbled upon the Strawberry Jam Sword. When he took it his body was now in control of the  corrupted sword. As he returned to the Kingdom, Dark Choco slashed his father Dark Cacao, almost killing him and left with Dark Enchantress Cookie, never to be seen again.


Dark Cacao was drinking some dark coffee while doing his work. The dark Licorice Sea monsters have become more fierce recently and he was worried that the wall might break. But how could it possibly break? It never broke before, so what is so different about these critters?

The difference was that these monsters were now empowered by an evil dark cookie - Licorice Cookie. He used his evil power to make the monsters stronger.

Dark Cacao was stressed and everyone around noticed that.

Then, something happened to Caramel Arrow a few days later. She was exiled from the kingdom. Exiled, because Affogato falsely accused her for something bad she never had done. Affogato told the bad things to Dark Cacao and he believed him. Even C/n tried to save Caramel Arrow out of this, but it did not work.

Suddenly, the Dark Cookies attacked. Dark Choco fought Dark Cacao and threw him off the floor of his own castle.

Affogato made a deal with Pomegranate Cookie - the Dark Cookies get in the kingdom and take away Dark Cacaos soul jam and Affogato becomes the new ruler of the Kingdom.

C/n didn't know anything about this - C/n met a group of brave cookies from far, far away. Gingerbrave, Strawberry, Custard III, Chilli Pepper and Wizard cookie - they met Caramel Arrow outside, trying to get back in the Kingdom of the dark cacao walls.

C/n let Caramel Arrow and the other foreign cookies in the Kingdom. C/n went to try and help the citizens to stay safe from the monsters, as the wall of the Dark Cacao Kingdom had been destroyed. A huge mutation of all Licorice Sea monsters attacked the walls and broke it down.

Meanwhile Dark Choco and Dark Cacao met once again, after Dark Choco thought he killed his father. Dark Cacao lived from that awful battle. They had an argument, but then Pomegranate cut them off.

"The Soul Jam, give it to us now." She stated in cold words.

The Dark Cookies tried to take Dark Cacaos Soul Jam, but it only got it corrupted and made Dark Cacao go full berserk.

The five foreign cookies from afar attacked Berserk Dark Cacao and defeated him. He got back to normal, but that didn't mean that the kingdom was back in shape.


"Ruler Affogato! The entire kingdom is in great danger, shouldn't we help?!" A worried citizen questioned Affogato.

"Do not fear, everything is going just as planned. Just watch this go all down from afar." Affogato said with a smile plastered on his face.

Affogato pretended to run away from the Kingdom when Dark Cacao went back to normal, so the King, C/n and Caramel Arrow wouldn't know where he was.

Dark Cacao and C/n tried to fight off the monsters that were spreading everywhere. The entire fight felt like a dead end. Like a story without a good ending. It all felt.. Hopeless.

Suddenly, C/n felt a powerful and painful slash through C/ns arm. C/n couldn't move it one bit - it hurt so much. Strawberry Jam was spewing out of it. Because of C/n bleeding out, C/n was losing energy and strength. Then C/n saw Dark Cacao cornered by critters. It seemed like he was about to be killed if he wasn't saved.

I know what I must do. Even if it will take my own life, I will do it. I will save you, Dark Cacao Kingdom.

With the thought lingering in C/ns mind, C/n used up all C/ns stoked up strength and with it C/n made all the monster disintegrate. C/n killed them all of with a powerful force.

Right after that, C/n fell to the ground dead. Not a single body part moved.

Everyone was confused yet happy, except for Dark Cacao. He knew what happened. He knew what C/n had done.

Dark Cacao quickly ran towards C/ns dead body and hugged it tightly. Tears began to form in his eyes. He knew C/ns true power and he knew what it leads to when C/n uses it.

"I- I'm sorry I... I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, My Dearest."

Despite the fact that the kingdom was at peace, The Kingdoms Kings mind will never be no matter what.


Words: 1087.

Ehhh this one kinda sucked also it's pretty rushed and it's kinda short but I still hope you liked it! Sorry for not posting btw I'll try to get around to writing more whenever I cannnn

Bye bye :))

Currently working on: Clotted Cream x Reader lemon 😉

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