15. for your feelings theres no place

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Staring at the ceiling had become one of Kyle's new favourite pass-times

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Staring at the ceiling had become one of Kyle's new favourite pass-times. He did it so often that he'd now become familiar with every single paint stroke and every single dent.

Well, what was there to do when all he could think about was you?

He knew deep inside that he shouldn't waste so much energy on the matter, because so far doing that has just proven itself to be been ultimately pointless. Again. But it was just so hard.

Being lovesick was really annoying.

Suddenly, the sound of a doorbell chiming brought Kyle from his ultimately pointless thoughts. He sat up in confusion.

Oh yeah, it was four. The guys are coming over.

They had been doing that everyday this past week to check up on Kyle. Which was... sweet. But it was also kind of irritating. Once again, it wasn't like he was some weak damsel that had to constantly be checked up on. Was he?

"Bubby! Your friends are here!" Kyle's mother's voice rang from the bottom floor, alerting him. He could make out the faint sound of stairs creaking which was no doubt them.

"Hey." Stan greeted, inviting himself inside.

"Ha! He's not crying, you owe me five dollars." Kenny smirked towards Cartman after catching a good look at Kyle.

He just rolled his eyes, "Fine. Only because I'm sure your broke-ass needs it."

Kyle frowned at his friends childish betting. They had caught him crying one time. One time!

"Why are you guys here?" He muttered, shifting to cross his legs.

"To hang?" Stan answered, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Kyle just hummed in response, not in the mood to question any further.

"Has she replied to you?" Cartman asked, being the only one in the group to not tip-toe around the subject of you. Well obviously, when he has ever had any regard for Kyle's feelings?

"No. She hasn't." Kyle grumbled, and dropped back down to laying on his pillow. Just talking about you seemed to suck all the energy out of him. "I think its a good thing, though. god knows I can never show my face to her again."

"You'd be doing her a favour with that." Cartman laughed, but stopped once he'd received a simultaneous glare from his other two friends.

"Don't think like that, man." Comforted Stan, as he went to sit down at the edge of his best-friends bed. "I'm sure once she's ready to talk, you guys will work everything out and-"

"I don't even know how I'm going to talk to her, dude! I totally ruined everything!" Kyle suddenly cried out, burying his face into his pillow. "And we have tutoring tomorrow! She probably wont even show up. Should I even show up?"

Stan frowned at the sudden outburst. He was worried about his best-friend. Kyle was usually a very logic-based person, but right now it was obvious that he was spiralling.

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