Chapter 1

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Everly Paulson is the daughter of Amanda Carrington she was born in London, England in 2019 on September 29th when Amanda was 23. When she found out about her true parentage she left Everly with Everly's father. They had split shortly after Everly was born. Amanda ended up staying with her birth mother but she went back to London for a few weeks.

Amanda's pov:

I knocked on the door of my ex boyfriends house and he opened the door "Landon hey I've come to get Everly" I said and he nodded as he let me in and I then heard the sound of little feet and my daughter ran and hugged my legs and looked up at me and I smiled "hi baby girl" I said as I picked her up and hugged her. Me and Landon have co-parented for the past 2 years as Everly is only 2. Everly looks just like me, even her blonde hair. I kissed her cheek "we have to talk" I said to Landon and I placed Everly down "go play baby" I told her and Me and Landon sat on the sofa "What's up?" Landon said as I looked at him "I found out that my birth parents are American and I was adopted by a relative but I'm moving to Atlanta and I know we said we would co-parent Everly but I wanna take her to Atlanta with me" I said and Landon nodded "I get it Mandy you're her mother as long as I can come and visit or you come and visit me I got an offer for an amazing job that will take up a lot of my time and I wasn't going to take it because of Everly" he said and I nodded "of course" I said and then Everly ran over "hey baby your moving in with mama in America" I said and Everly nodded and then pulled at my top so I picked her up and let her breastfeed and she fell asleep and I placed her in her room. The next day Landon helped me pack Everly's things and I got her passport and then I got a ticket and with that our tickets to Atlanta booked for tomorrow. Landon dropped us at the airport "Bye Everly I love you" Landon said, kissing Everly's cheek as we got on the plane. We touched down in Atlanta and I was met by Blake "Amanda your back why didn't you take the jet" he asked "I didn't want to overwhelm Everly who is now your granddaughter" I said as I looked her and she looked at me as Blake got down to her level "hey Everly" he said as he looked at me confirming her name and I nodded and then picked Everly up. I got to the penthouse and my mom was waiting for me "Amanda this is your little girl" she said and I nodded putting Everly down "mom this is your granddaughter Everly" I told her as she looked at Everly. I took Everly to her new room but I knew she would probably sleep with me for a while. It was around 8 pm and I was in my room holding Everly as she slept in my arms and I gently rocked her when my mom walked in "Amanda" she said and I shushed her as she noticed Everly asleep so I placed her on my bed as she sucked her dummy and I placed her blanket over her and then placed her teddy bear beside her and spoke to my mom. The next day I woke up to Everly Crying knowing it was probably jet lag I just let her breastfeed. It was now morning so I'm heading to the Manor so I brought Everly and when I walked in I saw the whole family "hey" I said and they looked at me and noticed Everly holding my hand "you have a kid!" Adam said and I nodded picking up Everly as I went to sit on the sofa and placed Everly on my lap and Everly was looking around and then her eyes met Fallon's and Fallon instantly took her from me as there was a family meeting  about Blake becoming senator. After the meeting I said something that completely shocked the family "Is there a daycare near the hospital or in the hospital were I can leave Everly until after work?" I asked and they looked at me "Amanda honey don't worry about daycare we can hire a nanny so you can leave Everly here whilst your at work or I will talk to Alexis about a nanny so you can keep her at the penthouse" my dad said and I nodded "oh ok thank you but what about today?" I asked "I'll watch her" Fallon said still holding her "really you will do that for me?" I asked and she nodded I smiled "thank you" I said  and walked over to Everly and kissed her cheek "bye evey I love you" I said as she waved "I'll text you her information" I said to Fallon who nodded "I'll help too" Cristal said and I smiled and headed to work.

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