Chapter 2

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Amanda's pov:

I had just got back to the Manor for dinner and when I walked into the dining room Everly ran right into my arms "mama" she said and I picked her up and kissed her cheek and she lay on my shoulder "hey how was she? not to much trouble I hope" I asked and Fallon smiled "no she was an angel even when I had to rush to the office and she tagged along" She said and I smiled rocking Everly "well thank you" I said "anytime" Fallon said as I sat down for dinner and Everly ended up falling asleep on my shoulder "Is she ok?" my dad asked as he saw me look over my shoulder to check on her "oh yeah she's asleep" I said as she moved so I got her into a more comfortable position and then I looked for her bag "where's Everly's bag?" I asked "Oh in the living room" Fallon said running to grab it "thanks" I said when she handed it to me and I took out Everly's dummy and put it into her mouth as she lay on my chest as I rubbed her back. After dinner I headed back to the penthouse and placed Everly in her bed after putting her pajamas giving putting her teddy bear next to her and covering her with her blanket and then I gently kissed her head and then went to take a shower. "Amanda, are you home?" my mom said as I got out the shower "yeah" I replied walking out the bathroom and to my bedroom to get changed. The next day I woke up to my alarm and a text from Fallon asking if she could watch Everly again today I let out a little laugh and then I got up and got ready before walking into Everly's room and she looked up at me "good morning sweet girl" I said and she climbed into my arms and then she pulled my top so I lifted it and she latched on then my mom walked in "hey, you need to get going before Blake starts calling me" she said and I nodded and stood up holding Everly in one arm "can you put her blanket, dummy and teddy bear in her bag please" I asked my mom and she did "what a dummy?" she asked "her pacifier" I said and my mom put it in her bag whilst I got Everly some clothes "I'm just gonna get her dressed at the manor because I have to go and Everly is feeding" I said saying good bye to my mom and put a blanket over Everly and got in the car. When I arrived at the manor but Everly was still feeding "hey" I said still holding Everly "hey Amanda" my dad said as I walked over then Fallon walked over "sorry Everly is feeding" I said looking under the blanket at my 2 year old who was done so I pulled my top up and Put Everly on my hip "I'm going to get her dressed" I said walking up to one of the guest rooms then Fallon walked in and Everly ran right over to her and Fallon picked her up "you ready for a day with auntie Fallon" she said and Everly nodded "Yay" she said making us all laugh. "you really don't mind watching her" I asked as I was helping with Blake's party "no of course not but I have to go to the office today" she said and I nodded and then kissed Everly and left. I was with my father when I got a call from Fallon "hello, whoa Fallon slow down what's happened?, oh ok she's going to be fine" I said as Fallon told me that Everly had fallen so when she back from the office she was holding and passed her to me "hi sweet girl" I said slowly rocking her as she cried and I knew because I could feel the tears on my neck "what's wrong baby?" I said as she looked at me and I whipped her tears "I got an ouchie" She said and I kissed her head and looked at her knee that had a little cut so I kissed it "Dinner" one of the staff said as I put Everly down and we headed to the Dining room "hey are you ok now?" Fallon asked and Everly nodded and cuddled to my leg so I sat next to Fallon and placed Everly on my lap and I gave her some of my food "mama juice pwease" she asked so grabbed her bottle and gave it to her. Once dinner was over I looked down at Everly who was asleep with me holding her bottle so I moved it and put her dummy in her mouth and I picked her up "I'm going to go as Everly's asleep" I said and everyone nodded and said goodbye and I headed home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2023 ⏰

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