Chapter One

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It was just a normal day for the bad boy and his friends he loathed school with a passion if his friends and little sister weren't there it would be hell. Jason saw his sister giggling with her best friend talking about some new person starting today. " Jules I heard she's cute we should say hi make her feel welcomed" Emma said all bubbly that's Jason's and Julie's cousin.

Close after Julie and Jason's mom died Emma's mom took them in and raised them as her own along with her husband Harry. They treat them both like there own kids Jason and Julie are grateful.

" Emmy you know I don't like people well except our group and our family" Julie was right she hated people she had trust issues just like her brother Jason he didn't like people either he had his reasons though.

" Please please please Julie" her cousin begged her Jason rolled his eyes and turned to the rest of the group

There standing next to Jason was Zion one of Jason's best friends since they could talk he's like a brother to Jason. Next to Jason's sister is Emma. Standing against his locker close to Zion is Ronnie she came late to the group but she's just like family now to them now.

Everyone knows not to get in those guys' way it would be a death wish I mean who would mess with the Five Vipers

You have Jason who's the leader but also the protector of the group he'll do anything to protect his family, he's a fighter and he's not afraid to show it. Julie is the smart one she may be bitchy sometimes but she's loyal and she can pack a punch. Emma is perky she always wants to help someone she's like a bundle of excitement but don't let her fool you she'll claw your eyes out if you mess with someone she cares about.

Then you have Zion he's similar to Jason in a lot of ways he's the goofy one in the group and a big flirt without him the group would be bored lol. Then lastly there's Ronnie she's like a pixie she's very small but don't let that fool you , if you look at her the wrong way she'll give you a black eye and blue balls.

" Jesus Julie just go with her she's doing my fucking head in," Jason said annoyed and slammed his locker Emma laughed at Jason she loves getting on his nerves.

Ronnie , Emma, and Julie along with Zion started headed to the gym while Jason decided to go to the parking lot and vape. Vaping for Jason was one of his reliefs that didn't hurt him it calmed him.

When he was done he went back into school not paying attention he bumps into someone he couldn't tell who it was just a stupid kid with a motorcycle helmet on or so he thought." Watch where the fuck your going" Jason cursed.

That's one thing about Jason he didn't like to be touched but he also hated being ignored Jason wanted to hit the person who kept on ignoring him. The person got up and it looked like they got there helmet stuck on there head Jason thought what a fucking dummy.

The person standing in front of Jason was struggling more and more Jason never helped people but he thought if he got the guy's helmet off it would be easier to give him a bloody eye so Jason helped get the helmet off and Jason was about to punch.

His first stopped when he saw that the person standing in front of him was his first crush and former best friend Lana.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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