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A bit of strong language!
'I HATE YOU! AAAAAAA!' Huh? Why did I scream? Oh yea! I keep messing up this note, very hard one. So I'm laying on my bed. I GIVE U- 'WHOEVER SCREAMED IM GOING TO KILL YOU' Dammit, Woke Orange up. Actually... his name isn't Orange, OH YEA! We just nicknamed them that since "The Second Coming" is kinda long to say. But still, hope they don't find out its me. I would be dead, super dead. I really shouldn't scream all the time, but how late is it? Let's look at the clock: 21:46? There asleep this early? If this was a concert night i would not even be halfway through. You know what? I'm all of a sudden thirsty, so im going to go get some water.
Walking out the door I hear a melody, a familiar melody. I walk to the cupboard with cups. 'Hi Green!' I hear, I should say something back: 'hi Blue' sounded kinda plan... but yes. 'Watcha doing?' 'Just grabbing some water I guess' I reply, I'm really thirsty at this point. I zone out while filling my glass. A melody like

Days seem sometimes as if they'll never end
Sun digs its heels to taunt you
But after sunlit days, one thing stays the same
Rises the moon
Days fade into a watercolour blur
Memories swim and haunt you
But look into the lake, shimmering like smoke
Rises the moon

(Liana Flores-Rises the moon)

Huh? No it can't be... my song? 'Green? Hello? Still alive?' He said as he waved they hands there hands infront of Greens face. 'Huh? Oh sorry!' I reply. 'Nah it's fine! Not like anything happend or stuff,' he said, such a good friend! But still, I need to make sure: 'who's the singer?' I said. 'STOP YOU SERIOUSLY DONT KNOW?!!?!?! THERE LIKE REALLY BIG!' 'BUT WHO IS IT?' 'THEIR NAME IS RYTHM!'
SHIT IT IS ME! You might be wondering why I'm panicking this much in my head, well... The more you listen something the more you realize there's something almost the same... And that has happend with me before. At a convenience store for example. I've gotten a few "hey you actually sound like Rythm!" 'S. If my friends know, it really won't go so well. They can't keep ANY secrets! For example that time Blue
Wanted revenge on Orange for no reason, and threw bird shit on their face while they were sleeping. We promised to not tell Orange it was Blue and Reds bird just did it, but Red wanted revenge for the time Their parrots got drunk of his olive oil. Let's just say Orange wanted to borrow my drum sticks. If someone found out or wanted revenge, they would have no mercy exposing me.
'Hello? Outernet to Green!' 'Huh?! Oh sorry!' 'It's fine! But anyway... you've been staring out for like half a hour already.. go get some sleep!' 'Oh ok..' as I yawned. Stop. HALF HOUR? DO I ZONE OUT THAT LONG?

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