Christmas Invasion p1

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It was supposed to be just like any other day. Just a normal 25 year old girl going to her normal bartending job in normal London.But here I was, hiding in the janitors closet, trying to escape a very REAL alien. First, a spaceship crashes into Big Ben and now im stuck in my place of work hiding from bloody aliens. If you'd have asked me a year ago if i believed in aliens i would've said yes BUT they probably weren't interested in an ape species like us.

But here i was, terrified over alien Santa Claus robot things! "The bloody hell am i supposed to do?" I whispered to myself. I worked up the courage to push the door ajar just enough to look around to make sure the coast was clear.

Bodies laid around the establishment, lifeless and limp. i gasped quietly in horror before letting my eyes slip from the bodies ti the surrounding areas. No sign of the alien, I thought to myself and opened the door the rest of the way. I ran past all the bodies, gunning it for the front door. I successfully made it out of the building just to be met with chaos and screams on the streets. I ran, against the flow of the people, who were running away from the heart of all the action. I was more worried about my cat than the fact aliens were running about the shops of London.

I shoved my way past everyone, ignoring the people shouting at me to run the other way. After what felt like an eternity, I made it to my flat building at the same time my neighbor, Rose, and her boyfriend were making their way up to the building.

"Rose!" I exclaimed, happy to see a familiar face that wasnt face down on the ground.

"Oh my God, you look awful! Were you at the shops?" She asked, a worried look spread across her face.

"No,no, well yes, I was at work and all of the sudden I was being shot at with guns and fire." I said, trying to catch my breath.

"But that makes no sense, you dont even know him?" She stated with creat confusion.

"Who dont I know?" I asked and she shook her head and grabbed my hand, pulling me into the flat building.

"The Doctor."

"Doctor who?" And that was our whole conversation before i was pulled upstairs and into Rose's mum's flat.

Rose burst through the door telling Jackie to get off the phone before it was handed to her.

"Bev, it'll have to wait." Rose said before hanging up. "Right, it's not safe. We've got to get out. Where can we go?" Rose rushed.

"My mate Stan. He'll put us up." Mickey suggested.

"That's only two streets away," She shot him down before turning back to Jackie. "What about Mo? Where's she living now?"

"I dont know. Peak District." Jackie sounded just as confused as I felt.

"We'll go to cousin Mo's, then." Rose stated.

"Oh it's Christmas Eve, we're not going anywhere!" Jackie exclaimed. "What are you babbling about? And look, you've dragged that poor neighbor girl into this."

I waved sheepishly. "Hi Miss Tyler."

"Mum..." Rose went quiet for a moment. "Where'd you get that tree?" She asked, eying the fresh tree in the corner of the room. "That's a new tree. Where'd you get it?"

"I thought it was you?" Jackie turned back to Rose who stared at her incredulously.

"How can it be me?" Rose asked

"Well you went shopping, there was a ring at the door and there it was."

"No, that wasnt me." Rose looked back at the tree with Jackie.

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