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*Lilith POV*

The burning in my head was still present, but had subsided substantially by the time I regained consciousness. I open my eyes slowly to be met by familiar walls, but unfamiliar decor. The middle wall shown in the dim light in the low hum and vibration of the electricity, gave a strange aura of safety that comforted me as I worked up the strength to sit up to further assess my surroundings. I was on a very large bed, draped in blue sheets and an assortment of colorful pillows and blankets. I admired the different textures and patterns that surrounded me before I flung the blanket that was on me off. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, planting the soles of my feet on the cold floor. I pushed myself off the bed, catching my balance as the blood rushed out of my head, causing my vision to blacken for a moment before normalizing.

I looked around the room, not much was in it save for a single desk, sat across from the bed. I slowly made my way over to the desk to examine the bits of paper scattered across its surface. The papers held circular doodles I couldn't understand, but the details contained in each circle help an undescribable beauty in the way they were orchestrated to fit together. I moved away from the desk, turning to the large archway that lead down what looks like an endless hallway. I decided to take my chances in the hall, then staying in a room with two pieces of furniture. I walked through the archway into the unknown.

I only walked for a few minutes before I came to a familiar room that veered to the left in the hall. The control room. I welcomed the flashing lights and warmth that came from the room as I entered. I made my way up a few steps to the main floor where the control panel was built into the center of the platform. I swivel my head, looking for the familiar brown haired Doctor. I ran my fingers lightly over the buttons and switches as I walked around the console eyeing the glass centerpiece in awe.

"It's just a dog, you'll live by only being looked at by it." A voice rang from behind me, my lips, twitching upwards in amusement, trying my best to avoid showing it, I turned around to meet eye to eye with the man I know as the Doctor.

"What is that, a cat?" I asked, putting on a confused face.

"No," he said sliding his hands into the pockets of the brown slacks he had on. The corners of his lips lifted. "That's your cat." My amusement fell as I looked around for the small Himalayan.

"What? What do you mean that's my cat? He could be anywhere on this thing!" I ran around, looking under the grating in the floor through the holes to see if I could spot him.

"Oh, he's fine, I told him about the library, said there's a fireplace and blankets, and a bed, seemed his style." I walked around the console as the Doctor rambled. "He's quite full of himself, your cat, he is." I stopped my search to look at the Doctor, dumbfounded.

"How so?" I asked, earning a cheeky smile from him.

"Told me he owns you." I scoffed, giving him a half smile. "Picked you out and forced you to beckon to his every need." He raised his brows in amusement.

"Really?" I asked, not convinced.

"His words not mine. He did also say you really need to stop watching so much telly, he doesn't like the shows you watch." I laughed loudly.

"He's a shady little fucker! So he knows how much I hate him when I'm watching telly?" I exclaimed

"it's on purpose." The Doctor waltzed up the steps of the console and started flipping switches. "So, where to?" He asked, looking across the console at me with a grin.


"Where to? Is that not English?" He furrowed his brows as he pressed buttons.

"What do you mean ' where to'? We're in a police box that's magically bigger on the inside and you're telling me it can move?" I questioned dramatically.

"First off it's a tardis. Secondly, Time Lord science, and C, no, third, this is a Tardis. Time and relative dimension in space. Get it?" He grins again.

"Time Lord science? How does that work?" The burning in my head started growing at the familiarly unfamiliar term. "Is that what you are? A Time Lord?"

"Oh yeah." He grinned at me but his eyes held sadness and longing. "We could go anywhere in time and space and you get to choose when and where, so, what will it be" The Doctor ran around the console.

I stared at him in awe as he came to stand in front of me, flipping a switch without looking, the vibrations that started when he flipped the first switch ceasing, and the noise I hadn't noticed in the moment stopping.

"Come with me." He held out a hand, waiting for me to take it. I hesitantly put my hand in his, the warmth immediately comforting me, tingles running from my fingertips up my arm.

He pulled me around the console to the doors. He made sure I was stood next to him, looking into my eyes, searching for something in them, waiting for some kind of disagreement. When there was none to be found, he grinned and pulled both doors open, revealing the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. The black void in front of me was filled with swirling clouds of bright colors, melting together into a painting of indescribable wonder and Fantasia. I felt the Doctors hand slide back into mine, squeezing it affectionately. I could feel his eyes burning into the side of my face, admiring my wonder. My mind wandered in the new found peace in my head, questions about the Doctor still swirling around in the depths of my wonder. My face must've fell with the thoughts because the doctor spoke up.

"What's wrong?" I looked to him, my eyes met with his look of concern.

"I'm still so confused, I feel like everything is so familiar but I'm going to hurt myself if I keep trying to remember why." I placed my hands on either side of his face. "I know you in a different time and face. You're a familiar stranger." I retracted my hands. "Who am I doctor? Who are you? Why do you flutter through my memories like a monarch in a field?"

"Come with me." He begged. "One trip and you can decide if you want the burden of remembering or you can continue to live your mundane life on earth, aging like the rest of the humans." He said.

"You're talking as if I'm not human." He gave me a knowing look. He looked out at the stars once more before pulling the doors closed.

"If you choose to know, you can never go back to what you were on earth." He walked back up to the control console, flipping more switches and pressing a plethora of buttons, leaving me to digest his words.

I made my way up to where he was stood at the console and watched him fiddle with the switches. "Where do you suggest we go first Doctor?" I questioned smiling at him. He looked up at me with a grin before going back to mashing controls.

"Further than we've ever gone before."

*tardis wheezing noise*

A little filler just for funnies.

Word count 1328

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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