21 ~ Clothing

32 0 0

Oliver's POV

I tried to retain a calm composure as I rushed to the downstairs bathroom with bile rising in my throat. 'Am I sick or something?' I asked to myself. The door slammed behind me and I knelt in front of the porcelain toilet bowl. The vomit more so fell from my mouth rather than being projected out. I wiped my stinging lips with the back of my hand and looked down into the now unclean liquid in front of my eyes. Some part of my soul felt a sick pleasure from seeing all the bits of food that were no longer in my body. The scratch in my throat suddenly didn't feel so bad, perhaps something I could get used to.

I thought back to earlier that morning when I skipped breakfast. Maybe it was just a careless act of self-neglect, but deep down it seemed there was an underlying cause for my decision. I shuddered. My eyes shifted over to the shower, after all, I did say I was going to clean myself. I got up from the floor, looked back to the bowl of vomit, and scrubbed my hands clean.

I slipped into the warmth of the shower and melted into the comfort. As embarrassing as it seems, I was drawn to the more floral scents of the guest-soaps in Dylan's house. Probably bought for his last girlfriends or Lily's friends, but I had my heart set on the cherry blossom scented products. I poured the soap over my body and rubbed myself down. Then a long sigh left my lips and I realized my breath stunk of a foul acidic smell. I didn't want Dylan to know about what happened, and I was too ashamed to ask if he could fetch my toothbrush for me. So, I did the only thing that I could think of.

The soap might smell like cherry blossoms and morning dew, but it certainly did not taste anything of the sort. Bubbles filled my mouth and touched my tongue while I was careful not to swallow. I spat out the awful, foamy liquid and rinsed my mouth with water. The taste of soap was still faintly present, but I just hoped Dylan wouldn't notice the chemicals when he kissed me next.

I grabbed the towel that was closest to the shower door, and stepped out. The towel was a soft pinkish-beige and felt fluffy on my skin. Somehow, it had not occurred to me that I would need new clothes to change into. I blushed as I wrapped the towel around my waist, knowing that I would have to leave the steamy comfort of the bathroom. The door unlocked with a click greeting me with a gush of cool air.

I walked out into the living room where Dylan was simply sitting on the couch, scrolling on his phone. My arms instinctively wrapped around my stomach to help "hide" my body. "Um... Dylan..?" I prompted him to notice my appearance. His head turned to face me and he fixed his eyes on my body.

"Well, hello there, pretty boy~ You need me?" His tone was seductive but not forced. I brought one hand up to cover my reddening face and kept the other around my torso.

"Sh-shut up..," I could feel my muscles tighten in excitement. "I- I just need some clothes to change into... please? And we are not... uhm- We are not doing it again today, okay?!" My face must have bright red at that point, but I still attempted to hide from Dylan. I could feel my body heat rise and it took everything in my power to not get aroused. I think the only reason I didn't was because of my previous affair in the bathroom.

"Okay, okay... I think I have something that you can change into. I'll be right back." Dylan sighed but he got up and ascended the stairs. I didn't know what to do, so I just stood awkwardly. My arms nervously tried to cover my body again even though there was no point.

When Dylan finally returned downstairs I saw that he was holding a pink shirt and some... shorts? I couldn't really tell what they were but it was obvious they were very short. Even for someone of my stature. "Put these on. Let me know if they don't fit," he added as he threw me the clothes. We made eye contact for a brief moment, but it felt like an eternity. A spark of warmth shot through my body and I, ironically, shivered from the sensation.

"I'm just gonna put them on here. Um..," I blushed again. But thinking back, I don't know if I ever stopped blushing. "Could you look away, please?" Dylan nodded and flipped his entire body to face away from me. I could hear that he turned his phone on to watch some videos on TikTok, further proving that he wouldn't look while I changed. The plush towel fell away from my now dry skin. I slid the shorts on and they actually fit me. I was surprised as I thought that they would be way too small for me. The white shirt was very much over-sized. It went down to my mid thigh and kept sliding off my shoulders. I could see why Dylan chose it; it definitely highlighted my more sexually submissive physique.

"I'm done," I muttered after a few short yet long-lived minutes. Dylan's phone clicked off and he turned back around. "You didn't look, did you?"

"Of course not. You told me not to. I respect that, Oli." His tone was genuine, and I also had no reason to not trust him. "They look good on you," he said a bit under his breath. I still heard it and turned my head away. "Come sit with me," Dylan patted the spot on the couch beside him, inviting me to join him.

I wandered over to him and took a seat, sitting crisscrossed. I let myself lean on my boyfriend. A long exhale made me feel at peace. I looked at the TV at the opposite end of the living room, then back to Dylan. Admiring his side profile, my mind leapt to many thoughts. But the one reoccurring question I had was, 'How did I get so lucky as to call you mine?"

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