Puzzle Piece

144 17 35

*Verse one*

I play games all day

They teach me things.

School could never.

They say it's just a waste

I'm stupid and other shit *laughs*


We're all playing games.

We're all in a simulation

We're just pieces in chess.


I'm a puzzle piece.

And you are too.

But we'll never fit together,

No matter how hard we try to.

I'm a puzzle piece.

And you are too.

Somehow we've lost the piece,

That brought us together.

We're just puzzle pieces.

*Verse two*


I don't know if their was some magic glue.

Like the one you make slime with.

The one will all the glitter in it.

Maybe that's what kept us together.

But that glue spoiled.


We're all playing games.

We're all in a simulation

We're just pieces in chess.


I'm a puzzle piece.

And you are too.

But we'll never fit together,

No matter how hard we try to.

I'm a puzzle piece.

And you are too.

Somehow we've lost the piece,

That brought us together.

We're just puzzle pieces.


(Gotta stop playing games)

(Gotta stop playing games)

(Gotta stop playing games)

With you.

(Gotta stop playing games)

(Gotta stop playing games)

(Gotta stop playing games)

with youuuuuuu.

i'm a puzzle piece and you are too.


I'm a puzzle piece.

And you are too.

But we'll never fit together,

No matter how hard we try to.

I'm a puzzle piece.

And you are too.

Somehow we've lost the piece,

That brought us together.

We're just puzzle pieces.

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