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Verse one:

I don't like rollercoasters

Yet I was on one with you

And every time I tried to get off

You somehow pulled me back on

I don't know what I liked about you

Maybe your shit sense of style

Maybe the way you make me shake out of fear

Maybe how you lied to my face

But I don't care anymore


I'm so sick.

Of the last three months.

So here goes nothing



January's the last time I'll ever like you.

the last time I'll think your my friend

the last time your number is unblocked

But January almost over

And that sucks for you

(That sucks for you)

Verse two:

I'm not writing you love poems

That you'll never write back

I'm not acting like you don't hurt me

With every word you whisper behind my back

I've finally realized

There are so many others

That could treat me better

And that I've wasted too many

Tears and breaths on you

Time wasted that I could've used


I'm so sick.

Of the last three months.

So here goes nothing



January's the last time I'll ever like you.

the last time I'll think your my friend

the last time your number is unblocked

But January almost over

And that sucks for you

(That sucks for you)


Oh maybe maybe

If you'd loved me truly

And hadn't been a bitch to my friends

Oh maybe maybe

If you'd loved me truly

And hadn't been a bitch to my friend

January wouldn't be shit

(So here goes nothing)



January's the last time I'll ever like you.

the last time I'll think your my friend

the last time your number is unblocked

But January almost over

And that sucks for you




Say goodbye to...

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