School Vent/Rant

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Long story short, Middleschool kids suck. 90% of the school didn't like me because I was w e i r d. I'm a good weird! But kids thought weird was bad. All the goddamn whispers about not wanting to sit by me, etc. The boys at my table are infuriating (btw we have the will to go wherever we want), and this guy proposed that I move somewhere else, bUT WHO TF- I-I DIDN'T WANT TO DISGUST ANYONE, so to prove my point:

"Everyone! Raise your hand if you would die then sit next to me!" 

ANd you know, they all raised their hand. Heh, damn. That low-key hurt me. And yet, if they asked me to protect a plushie or their computer, whatever, I would protect that with me LIFE until you come back.

And one time, I was literally verbally attacked just because someone knew I had lice. The first people knew in my english class, and they fucking moved their desks, they would walk around, avoid me like I'm some contagious parasite and pull up their hoods. Some s n a k e slithered around the school and spreaded the rumor. I was called "Lice Girl" for 2 months.

"It's the girl with lice"

"Naww what is lice girl doing here-"

Like I'm the only kid with lice in the school :/ These kids are like fucking lemmings, they just want some juicy shit to talk about

My god, the girls locker room. I have a small chest, and I dont want boobers and I'm the prudest person you'll ever meet. So I wear a jersey under my shirts. And I always hear "She's not waering anything under" "She's not wearing a bra" WELL SORRY FOR BEING NON REVEALING, AND YOU'RE NOT WEARING ANYTHING UNDER THAT BRA OMG, WE CAN SEE YOU'RE FUCKING NIPPLES YOU WHORE.

And they're your typical straight meangirl. I bet they would have sex- I M A G I N E. And there's this one girl, and I dont give a shit for her privacy, Gracie likes to poke on my nerves a lot and she also like to pick her nose in everyone's business. SO I decided to pick on HER nerves. Guess what.

She threw my computer in the trash. So fucking mature, is that suposed to be revenge for my taunt in gym? Awww I'm sorry WANT A FUCKING BABA? I didn't exactly see her do it, and her friends claim Gracie didn't. First of all, after my taunt, Gracie went to the locker room. Second, when p.e was over, the group of girls were there before me. So either gracie or one of her slut friends :l

NOT TO MENTION, 85% OF THE KIDS ARE TRASPHOBIC TOO. AND ANTI-FURRIES, I'm not a furry, to me, it's a lil weird but thats fine, they can whatever. But girls and guys are like "Go wear your cat-ears, bitch!" "If they want to be animals, we'll treat them like animals"

stfu, no one asked and your mom was on birth control. WHO ARE THESE KID'S PARENTS??? And my friend is relentlessly bullied by kids, at lunch, the teachers sometimes call the boy first, and when me and my friends headed out, this girl was like "ADAM! IF YOU IDENTIFY AS A BOY WHY DIDN'T YOU GO, HUH?!" I resisted the urge to slap her silly.

"Are you friends with (dead name)?"

Me: Yeah.

"You know she acts like a boy, right?" 

OH MY GOD. FUKING HELL. PRAY TELL, HOW DOES A MALE "ACT LIKE"? SHOULD ALL GIRLS WEAR FUCKING DRESSES AND SHIT? And the girl called my friend a "disgusting transgender" I hope you get ra- nah, jk. But I hope karma's a bitch.

My other friend is a lesbian, and I thought she had a crush on my bestie so in reading, I was like "oOoOh, YoU hAvE a CrUsH-" 


Harper (One of Gracie's friends) just had to be nosy "Whats going on?"

"She has a crush on (crush's name)"

And my friend was like "(CN) is like a sister to me-"

 Harper- "Not everyone's gay, Adrianna. Just-Just go away"

My friend mentioned to me later that she didn't feel comfortable sharing her sexality, AND I TOTALLY RESPECT THAT. First, I didn't say everyone was gay, I know damn well you're straight- that-that's just shitty. WHo tries to force the fact that everyone's gay? Second, the first thing you pointed out that her crush was a girl. How bout be a good straight ally and just- no- Third, Riley is a unisex name. How would you know it's a girl???

That's it, bye, drink water and eat something, Love you! Mwah!~

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