Story time

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Our dumb little love story starts a little kid and their bestfriend! These two would spend every day together, This little kid is seven years old today! Happy birthday to.. ah, what was their name again... insufferable buttwipe! WRONG!! how foul, try again, Toby polluck, now this kid lived in a world unlike any other, born from some other worldly being and I not like the unintelligent beasts who lived here, one day, toby leaves their dwelling in what looks like if a trailer park and a spider nest had a baby and that baby was mentally retarded, Toby was exceptionally gifted, so they were on their way to the only source of knowledge know to these creatures the library! Learning how to not die was verry hard for them, but the minute they opened their eyes they were already solving collage level math equations!! Well no, not actually but atlest they picked up speaking verry well, currently they are working on bettering their high school mathematics, the library had lots of books on human customs and education, all practically brand new! Not alot of the trolls who lived here were smart enough to read chapter books, or educational diagophies... anyway a little troll boy with long horns tended to accompany Toby on their walks to the library, but today, oh, today was different... today would be the day that *evrything* changed.

T:"hmm... I should be getting maced with water balloons filled with mud... where is that little PRANKSTER?.... HE has to be around HERE somewhere"

As they walk with their wagon down the path they get the sence that their not alone 


As soon as they shake the feeling BAM! THEYVE BEEN AMBUSHED! a little boy comes flying out of the tree holding a plastick lance screaming at the top of his lungs


T:"i GOT YOU, yES!!" 

T:"HAHA! TAV!!-"


Toby gets up and dusted their dungarees off before giving the troll a big hug, causing his cheeks to flush with a deep rust color 

T:" I was wondering where YOU were"

T:" uH, tREES" 

T:" well IVE figured that out now haha, so, did you finish that BOOK I recommend?" 


T:"that's okay, we can get YOU a new one today" 


The two arrived at the library, Virska was there... for some reason but they ignored her, as Toby was looking for a new picture book for Tav they were approached by some other troll a teen

"HEy kId whY dO yOU lOOk lIkE thAt?"

T:"hmm? Oh, hello sir, and I'm not to sure.. I was born like this I think.."

"hEh yOU lOOk sO wEIrd.. whAts wIth thE pAlE skIn?"

T:"no need to be rude.. and I dont know what's wrong with MY skin..."

The nerve of this guy, he then decides that it's a good idea to push a little kid just cause they look weird..

T:"hey! Ow! What was that for?"

"whY ArE yOU hErE anY wAY? LIttlE kIds cAnt rEAd"

Yeesh, cant this guy do better?

T:"how do YOU know that I cant? And not to mention, the staleness of your insults, I'm only six years old and I could come up with something to hurt a grown man"

"OOOh sO yOU'rE A brAt?" 

He kicks the child, knocking their small body to the ground before he leans over and picks them up by their neck 

T:"h-hey! Let go of ME!" 

the man then proceeds to tighten his grip, pulling a switch blade out from his pocket 

"lIstEn, I dOnt knOw whAt yOU ArE, bUt I dO knOw thAt yOU dOnt bElOng hErE, And I'm gOnnA dO sOmEthIng tO gEt rId Of yOU"

Meanwhile: Tavros hears his friend screaming, it's pretty easy due to the quiet abandonedment of this book house, so he follows the sound pretty quickly just to see someone so much bigger than him, he only just finished shedding his legs, he cant possibly do anything about this, so he hides behind one of the shelves, Toby just barley notices him and Hope's hell do somthing to help, I mean those big horns of his could prove useful if only he had the courage to use em but he sits there as their about to be killed, tears stream down Toby's face as they fear for their life, all they can hear is ringing in their ears and the muffled sounds of yelling after a second the grip around their neck loosens and acting on adrenaline they flail about trying to break free only fro the knife to be plunged directly into their left eye, they scream so loud it cracks one of the glass display cases and causes the guy to run away, dropping them, they fall to their knees crying, unable to close their eyes due to the foren object protruding out of one of them, blood spills out of the socket and into their hands, due to the increasing adrenaline in their body they stay consious, still screaming, somone from outside rushes in to check out the noise and sees what looks like an albino troll without any horns and another little troll with obviously wet pants .

"Kids! Are you guys OKAY??" 

She rushes over to help, gently taking the child in her arms as tavros runs home to his father (brother? .... I'm not entirely sure) anyway, the kind woman removes the blade and cleans up the blood, noticing the red spill she assumes that it's a low blood, probably warranting an attack from a disgusted highblood, but why would one of those be in a place like this, she takes the child, still crying, back to her home to get it cleaned up, from then on this would grow to be their mother

On the first day, the child refused to talk to her, it wouldn't eat and would barley sleep sometimes it would get up to use the bathroom but that's all, mainly it would stay in the room placed out for it by ... let's call her... Vantia 

The second day wasn't much different but vanti did find the child trying to sneak some fruit from a bowl on the counter but quickly dropped it when it saw her coming, so she then cut it, and prepared it correctly and left the plate outside of the childs room, she would check on the plate throughout the day, and gradually the food on it decreased, but not by much

On the third day, the child would occasionally leave its room to look around and explore, but would be instantly terrified the minute anyone looked at it, but today, it ate dinner, well half a plate anyway, it was small after all...

On the fourth day vantia got the child name and age, her and toby spoke about things they liked over some cookies 

On the fifth day, toby willingly came up to van to talk to her, the conversation was longer and a little more meaningful, Van was starting to doubt that this was a troll... it didnt smell like one anyway, and its tounge was pink, not to mention the shorter fangs, yet she still cared for it, stating to grow attached 

On the sixth day the child slipped back into a depression, vantia was getting worried, such a young creature, and she hasn't see any grub scars, not a single leg, so she had desided to do some research, finding that creatures called humans exist., well.. he knew they existed, but she didnt know they EXISTED... like for real so she dose some more research and finds out that other humans can be contacted, so she reaches out and dose some rather boring research on how to correctly care for a human child, how to calculate age and gender, how to keep good hygiene and most importantly how to feed it

On the seventh day she didnt hear anything from the childs room, it slept all day, the only thing she could hear are it's small shakey breaths, she sat on the big bed next to the child, beginning to sing a melody, trying to comfort it, she held the child in her arms, kissing it's cold skin gently hoping that it wouldn't die, she couldn't lose it... even if it has only been a few days, she has fallen in love with it and couldn't live with herself if she let it die.

V:"oh sweet child, I vow to raise you and care for you till you need me no more and then on I will continue" 

She soon fell asleep with the child, keeping it warm with her embrace, these next few years will be happy times... but they wont last forever

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2023 ⏰

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