chapter IV

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The next day - 11:30am

Sitting in the library as I look through my notes, yes this is the errands I'm running, basically I'm simply running away from the news I don't even know how I'm gonna face Lemon and Naruhaya after the news, but hey I also have this important project I have to finish so...

I took my mind off of it and decided I should worry about the upcoming confrontation later and should just focus on the project in front of me for the time being. An oreo shake from Diary Quein was placed in front of me as I followed the hand to see who placed it down.

"Lemon?" there he was standing there looking at me with a slightly upset face and Naruhaya right behind him, damn it really? So much for trying to avoid confrontation, "Hey there something I can help you with?" I said with a shaky voice, Naruhaya and Lemon sat down.

"[y/n], I'm gonna make this short because I know you're busy and you have a lot of things to balance on your hand." Lemon said in one quick breath, "We're also sorry for disturbing your time with you trying to finish your project but we just have to get it off our chest." Naruhaya said with a pout on his face.

I lowered my head, "I'm sorry I know I shouldn't be running away like this and I really should just be the one to tell you guys it myself, as your manager and all that, I'm really sorry and I hope the two of you won't hate me." I said with my head still lowered.

"[y/n], sweetie, I completely understand no need to panic or apologize, it's just I think it would've been better if you told us instead of having Kunigami doing it." Lemon said with his hand on my shoulder, "We don't mind being benched and leaving them the space to take us to victory but you really could've told us ourselves."

Naruhaya said, I brought my eyes up to meet theirs and I gave both of them a hug, "I'm sorry guys." I said, "SHHH!" a librarian hushed us, "No talking in the library!"


I'm now making my way downtown, Ego-senpai has asked me to meet up with him at his favorite restaurant Kochi Kochi. I wonder what's this about now.

The bell dinged as I walked in, "Hello there, did you make a reservation?" the nice lady asked, "Jinpachi Ego." I said, she told me to follow her as she made her way to a door that displayed VIP on the front door, she opened the door for me and I stepped inside.

The door closed behind me as I made eye contact with Ego, "Ego-senpai." I bowed down, "[y/n], take a seat." I went over an grabbed a seat across from mine, "Dig in." he said munching on his food, and I complied.

"Ego-san." I spoke up, breaking the silence, "You wanna ask me why I asked for you?" I nodded, I swear Ego-senpai always had a hooked on reading people's mind, "It's about our previous players, world cup's and all that, I would like to be their somehow coach." Ego said bluntly, I choked on my food.

"T-their what now?"

"Their coach."

Oh, he was serious. Well, to be fair we don't have a proper coach yet for the internationals including the world cup's and Ego knows each players by heart. "I mean" my hand reached for a glass of water to bring my voice back to its original state, "We don't have a proper coach yet and you know all of them and their ability by heart so I guess, sure why not but" I stopped.

Ego looked at me, "I'd have to talk to them first, as much as i'm their manager I really need their advice on this pretty much, their opinions."

"Alright then, I'll be waiting on an answer. Many has asked me to coached their team but I can't help but try and ask you for a spot because I wanna see each of our strikers glow on the stage for the world cup's battle." Ego said, "I want to see all those egoists at their full capacity." He said grinning, I nodded.

"I'll talk to them and see what I can do Ego-senpai." I said, I brought up my wrist to check the time, "It's late, I should get going." I said to him and we bid our farewell before going our separate ways.


I was waiting at the bus stop when suddenly I felt a presence sat down next to me and I glanced over to see who it was, instantly I was met with a familiar white fluffy hair and bright yellow eyes. "Nagi..." He paused his game and looked at me, "Hello." We stayed like this for awhile, just staring at each other.

I never noticed how calm he was with me, how his eyes smiled at me when his lips showed no sign of a curve, how can someone be as gentle as a feather. "What are you doing here?" I questioned, he looked back at his phone breaking eye contact, "This is where I always come for the arcade." I leaned over to see what he was playing, "You play games?" I watched his character moved around.

"Yeah, it's the only thing that entertains me." He said, "What about me?" I blurted out of nowhere, he looked at me again, GAME OVER plastered on the screen of his phone, we stared into each other's eyes, none of us dared to look away.

Why did I say that? Fuck. What if he thinks I'm weird? "You?" He questioned, his hands slowly moving a strand of my hair to tuck behind my ear, he leaned in close when suddenly.

"ARE YOU GONNA GET ON OR WHAT?" The bus driver shouted and snapped us back into reality, Nagi quickly moved his hand away and stood up "Don't even bother." he said. Running up onto the bus and I quickly followed after and took a seat right next to him.

Way to go Mr.Bus Driver, ruined my moment. hmph.


I know this one is super short but this is the best I can do, omg my heart fluttered when i wrote that scene🤭, alright see ya!

Aiko Kyotari🤍

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