another fight??

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"Those stupid, insufferable steam engines! Always doing our work! And with that new...human...ITS SO INSUFFERABLE!! IDIOTIC!! I can't wait for him to just IMPLODE!!" Diesel 10, fuming with rage, huffed out. Pinchy, who was on top of the mucky yellow diesels head, chopped the air with a large rasp, metal hitting metal as it clanked down on the diesels head, "oW!! Pinchy! Ohh, don't do that! I know your excited but-" the diesel got taken off his words as a large man, sprained with bandages around his fingers to his forearm, picked up scrap metal, crushing it with his own bare hands. "What in the everlasting steam puff-" diesels murmured to himself and pinchy. "Oh, hey, uh- boss. We have a mechanic coming over to uh- look over our wheels." The slick back words were shuttered out. 10 looked over to find Diesel, the one original black boxed engine, 10 grunted, glaring.

 "Great...Any name come with this machanic?"10 asked, his orange like eyes glowed slightly, Diesel frowned, "No, sir..."

An hour later, (Y/N) came over to the run-down diesel works, he was tasked to help push around carts as the diesels where being worked on."Hello? You still working on...them..." He stopped, looking into the works to find a man with dark orange hair wisping his head back, glaring. The man grunts, running out of the works, wheel in hand. (Y/N) ran into the works, seeing two diesels, with black and yellow-like police tape paint on their face sides. ('arry and dart)" uh- diesels... okay?" He asked, grabbing spare wheels from the side along with some tools. he slowly fixed both twins and pushed them back onto the tracks. "We're fine...We have some er...other diesels in the back who need help..."

After an hour of fixing, helping, and pushing carts, the diesels where fixed. "So, tell me, how...did this all happen?""This uh- mechanic was supposed to fix us." 10 said, glaring lightly, thinking of whether he should or shouldn't trust this human, or if he should just crush them with pinchy.(Y/N) nodded, looking up at pinchy, standing up. He slowly brought his hand up to the metal scrapper, petting it. "Such a little cute guy, hello baby, hi." (y/N) smiled, talking to the grabber like a dog.

"He's so cute, I bet he can grab into anything... I find that fascinating, the fact that he can pierce into metal, the fact that you can pick up almost anything with him... " y/n whispered. "So, anyways! Would you like to help me? I just started sorting through scraps! TFC needs green, says he's working on a new suit for a new engine that's coming in, and instead of painting him, they're going to give him a new suit since his old one is busted. I wonder who it is...Anyways! Have ya' met the steamies yet? " y/n asked calmly. Bending down to grab scrap, 10 stares at the man in the face, "Oh..the steamies? Yes, we go.... way back.... way...way, I could say that me and pinchy are...acquainted with them."

10 looks down to grab the scrap, but before he could, y/n grabbed it, turning around, and putting it in the grey trucks. Five out of six trucks where full of just green scrap. Small pieces, big pieces, broken pieces, even bent pieces, all just green scrap sitting in five trucks. "Did...did you fill all these up by yourself? " 10 asked, puzzled, and strangly concerned, "Oh, yeah! All filled up just by me! The others are doing their jobs, so no one came to help, it's fine though! I'm strong enough! " 10 stared at the smaller human, his mind rattling in different places of how and why- "Huh? Are you ok, 10? Your murmering.." 10 blinked and nodded. Soon, for the whole GODDMAM day, 10 tried to murder y/n, play it off, and even help him with the trucks, while other diesels went off to do their jobs.

It was almost night. The trucks were filled and dumped off at the steam works where victor took them, along with his little friend, uh...yeah, his little friend. Soon 10, pinchy, Diesel, dubbed D, and y/n where walking around Sodor, heading for the sheds to get more...acquainted, justified by D's idea, and y/n's begging, 10 had no choice but to go.

Once arrived, all engines, and diesels glared, not one of the two machines broke contact or sight, not one machine talked- "Oooookayyy...well, D, 10,pinchy, this is Thomas, Per-"

"We KNOW who they are, y/n." James cut off the male, y/n glared with anger, "DO.NOT. CUT ME OFF WHEN I AM SPEAKING, YOU GIANT, TOMATO LOOKING TURKEY! " 10 and D held their breath, eyes wide and cheeks flared with pink, trying not to laugh, but it was too hard. D let out a hoot of laughter, while 10 barked out a hollor of cackles, his sides hurt and rumbled with shaky gasps. "YOU- YOU-" "YOU GALLOPING AND WALKING BEAST! "     "Lmao, calm down, you giant hot-dog. Maybe you need to go to the steam works to get examined, cuz last time I checked only horse's gallop. You know JaMes, at least I don't look like I trot when I walk. "

Engines gasped, both diesels died of laughter, pinchy grasped the air in jolting fun. James rolled forward to the human, "WHAT DID YOU SAY, YOU HUMANLY SIZED PIG?! " That. 

"At least I don't trottle and throttle when I walk. God, you look like my last blood clout."

James growled, bumping up into (Y/N), screaming in his face with an agitated look. (Y/N) rolled his eyes but had enough when James called him a 'slut lusting horned cow.'He had enough. He backed up lightly, clenching his fist, then glared. His mind went blank, eyes dulled. He pulled his hand backwards, muscles contracting with each other. A sick 'CRACK' rang out. " nose... You- you broke my nose!" James yelled, switching human, holding his busted and bruising nose."Oh? AND I CAN BREAK EVEN MORE, YOU SELFISH GIT!! Don't ever call someone what you just said!"

Hours went by, James's nose was bandaged while (Y/N) went home, D and 10 following behind him, to cheer the male up.

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