Chapter 2

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Later that afternoon you were walking down the street with Dave. He was telling you all about his music, and his online friends. They seemed pretty cool as far as you could tell. You giggled when he warned you about his older brother, and his weird puppet obsessions.

"I doubt he's really that bad," you grinned, elbowing him softly in the arm.

"No dude, you dont even know. Wanna get a nice cold drink? Oh yeah sorry no you have to hide your drinks in your room because the fridge is filled with fucking swords." Dave grumbled on to you, explaining the struggles of living with this brother of his.

The two of you soon arrived at a tall apartment building, looking to be at least 15 floors. Dave lead you into the lobby and towards the elevator, the doors sliding open with a soft ding to indicate it's arrival. As you stepped in, he pushed the small button with the number 12. It looked to be rather outdated and scratched off, but it was still visible nonetheless. The elevator jerked downwards, before smoothly rising up the building. The same familiar ding went off with each passing floor, the numbers above the door changing gradually.

The elevator soon came to a stop at Floor 12, and the doors slid apart. Dave pulled you along with a soft tug at your arm, leading you off through a hall of doors. He stopped at the door labeled 901, pulling out a small key chain and unlocking the door.

"If you see my brother, avoid eye contact. I'd rather him not start hitting on you too." You tilted your head quizzically at the word 'too', but shook it off and followed him into the surprisingly roomy apartment.

You barely got a glimpse of the living room before he yanked you away, heading into the hallway. A door at the end of the hall was cracked open about an inch, and the sound of an obnoxious insurance commercial blared out of what was most obviously a TV. Before you could say anything about it, you were shuffled away into a door in the side of the hallway, and into a large, white-walled bedroom. Dave's, most likely.

His room would have had a lot of space in it, if it weren't for the clutter. Wires flooded his carpet, magazines were strewn across his bed. A large case of apple juice was hidden under a pile of clothes that closely resembled a small hill. Dave noticed your observing and started moving things around.

"Sorry for the mess, I'm not used to having people around." He tossed everything on his bed to the floor, and cleared out a small wireless path to the bed. It seemed best for now to steer clear of the desk, which looked to house his many, many recording devices, along with turntables and a pair of headphones. He threw his bag onto the bed and gestured for you to sit down.

You gladly took a seat beside his backpack and set yours beside it, pulling some notes out of it. Dave shuffled over to his desk, rearranging some of the electronics, and turned back to you. You set your notes down and stood up, gesturing for him to come over to you.

"Come here, I want to show you some of the notes I made before we left class." He nodded, and stumbled across the cluttered floor towards the bed, only to catch his foot on one of many wires and fall forward. Luckily, you were there to soften his landing.

Wow, that was a lot longer than the last chapter. Which was pretty good I guess. Once again, tell me what you think! Not many people have been reading this but, if you do read it, show your fronds! Also, sorry for the half cliff hanger, heheh. Anyway, see ya.

(Oh and fyi, i will totally take suggestions!)

DISCONTINUED. The School Project (Dave Strider x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now