Chapter I

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A/U - 6 years ago, Beyoncé and Shawn (also known as Jay Z) both decided to have a little angel of their own to raise and love together. The only thing that's blocking them from pursuing this is that Shawn had a medical condition that will not allow him to produce the sperm that's needed to start the pregnancy (or so we thought). So they decided to use a sperm donor to help beyoncé get pregnant and 9 months later, the couple has their beautiful baby girl Blue Ivy who is now running around the backyard...

March 28, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
3:14 Pm

      Beyoncé's POV

Blue baby! I said. Be careful before you get hurt!

Sorry, Mommy! She said with a giggle. Today was a half day at school for Blue today because she scored big on her kindergarten test a few days ago. Not only did she score that high, but when the 2017-2018 school year starts she'll be in the second grade not first. My smart baby. Little does she not know that in a little while we'll be going to Disney land!

Disney Land?! I heard my little one ask with excitement. Well, I guess I wasn't thinking that part...

Daddy did you hear that?! We're going to Disney Land! She said Jumping up and down but Jay didn't respond to her.

Jay, I said. No response

Jay! I said louder while pushing his phone unto his phone into his hands. He always is on his phone 24/7 not paying attention to his family like a teenager that has no idea about what life is only what social life is. I'm saying by the time he gets off his phone, Blue will be 70 with kids and grandkids and I'll be dead rolling around in my grave.

Yes, Yes, Yes?! He asked with kind a slight attitude.

Your kid asked you a question. I said with a real attitude. I'm just as petty as you are bitch. I and Jay had a LOT of ups and downs these past few months and I couldn't have wondered but why.

Not like she's really my- I stopped him right there in his tracks what he's not about to do is ruin this damn family. He's lucky that Blue went inside to watch Spongebob so she wouldn't hear that.

Alright, let's have a come to Jesus meeting RIGHT NOW. I said pissed all the way off. If my mood could be a movie right now, it would definitely be 'Diary of a Mad Black Woman.'

About what Beyoncé. He said nonchalantly.

I calmed myself down quickly because at the way he's going he would've been drinking wine with Yeshua and collecting animals to put in that damn arc with Noah right about now.

Why are u acting this way all of a sudden??? This is not like, you Jay. Is it me? Am I not thirsty enough? I asked.

No, it's nothing about you well it is but it isn't at the same time.

Jay stop playing with me. I said. At this time he was pissing me off so badly.

Beyoncé trust me it's best if you just leave me off and let me be this way until I return back to normal sweet Jay you and Blue know.

Oh??? By staying on that damn phone 24/7?! What is so important with that phone anyways?! You have a side hoe or sum?

'Side hoe' is an understatement... he said under his breath so it could be muffled which made it hard for me to understand.

Okay, Shawn be like that keep that same lil attitude while going inside to check up on Blue.

Mommy Mommy Mommy! She said

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