User Miss Anonymous

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It was after 12 at midnight and I was online looking for some chat rooms. Usually I would always talk to people on chat rooms since I am introverted and somewhat shy to talk to people in real life. Sometimes I get made fun of a lot and I don't have any friends. I have lots of social anxiety and I feel like speaking to people online is not as bad as talking to them in person.

Anyway I found a website called Night Owls and it's for all of the people like myself that love the nighttime and after hours. It was basically a chat that's available at night. So I created my username and waited for somebody to connect with me. Within five minutes I got a text from a user named Miss Anonymous.

The text said "hi". "Hello good evening, how are you?", I replied back. "I'm doing good and you", she said. "I'm doing great, what made you decide to log on this time of night", I asked her. While it took her a while to respond I was just glancing at her profile picture. She was beautiful and I'm glad that she chose me to talk to. Who knows what the future may hold for us!

"I logged on because I couldn't sleep so I just wanted something to do", she said. I didn't know what to say so it was just a long pause between the two of us. But suddenly things started to get a little weird. "Why did you ask? Do you live alone", she typed in. What the hell does that have to do with anything? "I'm just asking out of curiosity and yes I live alone", I told her. "Great so maybe one night I could come over there and meet you in person", she said. I got chills from hearing that because it's so creepy. What is she talking about?

"Umm excuse me I don't even know you", I told her. "Well you'll get to know me in a few days, are you taken", she asked. "No I'm not, what about you", I asked. "No and I'm looking for a guy like you, perhaps you'll be the perfect one", she said. I was feeling nervous now since this girl seems like a freak. I didn't know if I should continue speaking to her or not.

"I'm about to go to sleep now, good night", I told her. It took her a while to respond again. "I can't let you stay on here, I wanna video call you", she demanded. Even though I didn't look my very best I still turned on the webcam on my laptop because I had to see this girl. When I turned on mine she didn't turn on hers. But when she did I was completely shocked by what I saw.

It was a pitch black room and there was somebody dressed in all black and it seemed like they had some type of mask on. It was extremely quiet and eerie since that person just stood in front of their camera. I couldn't even tell if it was a man or woman. Suddenly I heard a blood curdling scream coming from the other person's side. That person then hung up the video call and I was left with many questions. Why was that woman screaming in the back? Who the hell was that that answered the call? I then went to sleep later that night even though I had so much anxiety.

The next night I logged on again but I wanted to speak to someone new so I was just looking for new users. While online that same user texted me and said "hello". I opened the message and left her on read since she seemed like a psychopath. "Answer me now bitch, I know you see my text Quincy", she texted back. How the hell did she know my name when I have a username up there? Something really fishy is going on, whatever it is it's not so cool. I might have to report this user.

I blocked the user after she sent me that text. I felt relieved and I went to look for more people to talk to. About 10 minutes later another user texted me and their name was Ms A123. "Why did you block me?", the user replied. I knew who it was so I ignored it. I then got a video call from them. I answered it and this time I saw something weirder than I saw last night.

I answered with a "hello" and there was complete silence on the other line. This time there was only one source of light and it was coming from her computer screen. As I looked at her I noticed that she had a very creepy mask on her face. It was like a woman's face but something was so uncanny about it that I just can't explain. It had long hair but it's like the facial features were stiff and unnatural but yet very humanlike. From the profile picture I thought it was a real girl but I was wrong. This is enough to creep anybody out.

User Ms Anonymous Where stories live. Discover now