Part 1 TW (not based on a true story)

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One day the old music teacher at joeys school got fired and they went a whole year with out one on then they found one Kevin Thomas.

Joeys POV.

I walk in to choir class and see this sexy beast Kevin Thomas wow what a hottie I go up to talk to him 

Joey- hi I am Joey I couldn't help but stare at you and your handsome face

K.T.- oh little old me thank you talk after class.

Joey- if it involves you of course I will

They hug and Joey goes to sit down 

K.T. -Good morning class to day we will be singing this pretty planet

Everyone other than Joey- ewwwwwww no can't we sing a good song

Joey- ok bb

Carson- did he just call him bb 

Me-I think so fucking weirdo 

Everyone ,eaves other than Joey

Joey- you wanted to see me after class

K.T.- I think I am in love with you

Joey- same 

They started to make out

Joey takes K.T.s shirt off and pants off they fuck and the Joey goes to his next class the next day he doesn't start his man period. So he takes a test

Joey- fuck I am pregnant I have to tell K.T. 

Joey goes to K.T. 

Joey- babe I am pregnant 

K.T.- let's run away together and have this baby and get married. 

Joey- ok babe I love you

K.T.- ok let's go my sugar plum

They get married the end

K.T. x JoeyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu