~ Sanctuary ~ : Dedication Letter

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To my best friend, Landon.
For not considering my crazy tendencies of writing, and for encouraging me to do my best with the book.
Thanks for not judging my obsession with creating new worlds.
To the best teacher a student could ask for, Mr. Stevens.
Thank you for indulging in making the writing process a little less lonely during my senior year. And thank you for asking me questions about my writing. You made me look forward to a period in the school day.
Thank you.
Both of you.
Thank you for my encouragement when my writing took me to new places.
And thank you, Scott Cawthon, for creating the world of Five Nights at Freddys.
Without the creation itself, this book would've never seen the light of day.
Thank you for being an inspiration to all.

Here's to a world beyond our understanding, but here's to not getting lost in it.
Reality is the most important thing you could have in life.
Don't get lost in the fantasy of your own mind when there are caring people alongside you.
They are more worth it than your silly worlds you built.
Because reality...
Is true, and real.

~ Sanctuary ~Where stories live. Discover now