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Iris's hands are trembling. She glares through the room. Not again, why couldn't she just control herself? Why couldn't she just stop feeling like her sister? That awful, hollow mess of her sister. She never cried, she never screamed or laughed or frowned or even smiled. Nothing, just emptiness. Iris wished she could be like that too. She hated her feelings. Those horrific, overwhelming globes, spinning in her mind. The terrible buzzing they created. It was just awful. It made her absolutely insane. It even is too much when she feels positive. She always laughs too loud or talks too much. Eventually she just sounds crazy when it all comes together. And then the stares appear. Those judging eyes, pricking her entire body.
They don't understand her. Because no one feels the things she feels, hears the things she hears. She is alone. And people who are alone, are better off gone. No one will miss her. No one would grief over her. With that thought in mind she opens her window. The seven floor depth gapes at her as she swings her feet over the edge. Deep breath in, deep breath out. The door opens, but it is too late. Iris pushes herself out of the window and tumbles. Until she hit the ground.

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