Chapter 2

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I see myself walking down a road. Mom and Dad are walking beside me. I am much older, but they look exactly the same. Somewhere along the way Mom and Dad stopped walking, and I turn, signaling for them to catch up to me, but they just smile and shake their heads. No matter how urgently I beckon for them to come, they don't. They stand where they are and wave me on.

"Please come with me?" I beg. "Please?"

Mom takes Dad's hand, and they turn away from me.

"No," I call out desperately. "Don't leave me! Not again!" But it's no use. They're already gone.

I wake with a start, sucking in deep breaths, my heart beating fast. I reach over and turn on my lamp, illuminating my room in a soft light. I half expect to see my parents standing next to my bed, but I am alone.

Alone. Something I always end up as whenever I dream about Mom and Dad.

I lay in bed a long time, trying to fall back asleep. It's no use though. No matter how hard I try, my mind just won't shut off.

I give up on sleep when I hear the sound of water running and know Darry's taking his morning shower.

Forcing myself out of bed, I make my way into the kitchen. I look at the clock hanging above the stove, and it reads 5:15

I glare at the clock like it was its fault I was up so early. I give the clock one last dirty look before dropping down into a kitchen chair without bothering to turn on the light.

Hugging my knees to my chest, I rest my chin on them and think about my dream. This wasn't the first dream I had about Mom and Dad. Surely it wasn't gonna be my last, but there was something about it that gave me an eerie feeling. I didn't like it. Not one bit.

I am still thinking about the dream when Darry comes into the kitchen. He switches on the light and I blink from the harshness of the brightness.

I watch Darry as he begins to make his morning coffee. He still hasn't noticed me, and it gives me a chance to really study him. He has dark circles under his eyes, making him look older and tired. He always looks tired lately. Tired and worn down. Something stabs at me as I watch him. Guilt, maybe? For not helping out more around the house.

When he turns to open the fridge, that's when he sees me. "Cassie," he says, a look of surprise crossing his face. "How long have you been sitting there?"

I shrug one shoulder. "Not too long"

"What are you doing up so early?" he asks, grabbing the milk from the fridge and closing the door.

"I couldn't sleep," I reply straightening my legs out and propping my elbows on the table, resting my cheek in the palm of my hand.

"Did you get any sleep?" he asks, joining me at the table.

"A little," I yawn.

He doesn't reply and drinks his coffee slowly. It's quiet. The only sound I can hear is Soda's light snoring and Dar's occasional sip of coffee. Darry doesn't seem eager to start a conversation which is fine with me because I don't really know what I would say.

It was easy talking to Darry My Brother. There was no pressure. But ever since he became Darry My Guardian, things have been strained between us. I can't talk freely anymore. He now has the power to ground me, so I don't say much to him lately.

Darry seems content drinking his coffee in silence. I draw circles on the table with my finger, thinking. I wonder what would happen if Darry ever finds out about the times I snuck out. And worse; why I snuck out. He's already grounded me a few times for getting a couple of bad grades. This would be so much worse.

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