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Zero Izuku: Ughhhh *get up* What happened? *hold his head*

Cross-Z Izuku: Where am I? Wait is that me?

Zero Izuku: It you? Wait if you here than that mean...

Ghost Izuku: Uhhh can y'all tell me what happened. One moment I was in bed and the next poof.

Monkey King Izuku: I don't remember making clones of me?

Ghost Izuku: We not clones. I think?

K.R.D. Izuku: Is this work of a villain?

Cross-Z Izuku: Strange.... *notice me* Wait who is he?

The Izuku's all turn to me who sitting watching the multiverse go by.

Juuga Izuku: That my counterpart is out creator!

All Izuku (except Juuga Izuku): AHHHHH!!!

Zero Izuku: Who are you?!

Juuga Izuku: I'm you but a different Kamen Rider. I managed to pulled each of you here before it happened.

Ghost Izuku: What happened.

Juuga Izuku: W-A double T -P-A-D deleted our creator universe. Causing our universe to be wipe out. I got you all out of there before it was too late.

Ghost Izuku: What do you mean deleted?

Juuga Izuku: Our creator got a message from this one app (y'all know who I talking about) twice about an image from my story. The author deleted it and change the cover to help. But yesterday they sent him a third message but when he click to read it. Everything went rouge and his universe he created (his account) got deleted. The fact he couldn't read it in time and had a panick attack during the building of study (school). Like I said, I quickly pulled y'all out before have been deleted too. He started to loose motivation for writing and now taking a break because.

Zero Izuku: His progress is gone.

Juuga Izuku: Yeah. And my universe just got an update now it gone.

Ghost Izuku: Oh boy.

Juuga Izuku: We not the only one, Nero_Rider21 (hope you don't mind tagging you) has his universe deleted twice, and he just got his second universe to be created. He also a creator of different Izuku's like us. Abhi_Lupus (hope you also don't mind) got his deleted for no reason back then.

K.R.D. Izuku: What should he do?

Juuga Izuku: Well he taking a break from writing so he not fully given up. Just need motivation since he still feel a little bit of a panic attack remain. Until now we will stay here to his got his motivation back. I feel like it my fault since those messages were directly at mine universe. I let him talk and y'all can take a rest.

Hey guys, it me. TheEternal_King! Like Juuga Izuku say, that happens to me and I'm not given up on writing just yet, just a bit lost. My followers, the book I read, and my stories I made is gone. I also reach 500 followers but the app has other plans. I hope y'all understand that I trying to get it back up and trying to refollow the people I follow. I kinda knew this gonna happens but with a different reason. I hope y'all have a blessing day or night. And I not giving up just yet.

Thank you.

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