See You Again - He XinLong

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I walked 

Not sad 

But disappointed 

I knew this was coming

I felt it...deep down

It was to good to be true

A normal girl

With a Handsome boy

It did not feel right 


After I heard what was being said by his friends 

I knew 

I knew it was the end of us

I held it together

Five more mouths and you would be fine 

Out in Collage 

No more XinLong 




I felt a pressure fall through my shoulders 

I knew it was him

I looked at the door 

And it was him

Standing there


He was catching his breath

Like he was running from his class to mine

He was looking around till he spotted me 

He was going to say something but stopped himself 

And walked out


It was over,

no more XinLong 


2 years later

I got over XinLong a few months into Collage

I never mentioned him to my friends but he was deep inside my heart, somewhere 

While those two years of living without XinLong was hard

But why would I miss him

He left me

For her 

But still with me

We never official broke up but we both knew it was over

When the second school year came 

I went to a class that had my friend in the class

I sat with her

"Y/n, have you seen the new cute guy"


I look over but I couldn't fully see his face, just his side

His clothes are familiar 

Black hood

Baggy pants 

I brushed it off and focused on my work


Class was over and my friend want to talk to him

I sighed and went with her

I followed after her and saw how happy she was

She talked to him, he responded 

His voice...

was too familiar

The only way I knew it was him 

I looked at his hands...(XinLong always has rings on...)


I looked over at his face and 

It was really him..



This can't be 

I don't want to do this right now


After a while of my friend talking to him

He looked over at me

His eyes widen 


"Oh you guys know each other"

"Yeah we know each other really well"

"Y/n, why didn't you tell me about him"

"Because he's not important to me...anymore"

I took my friends hand and walked away 

"Y/n what's going on?, who is he?"


"He has to be someone if your acting like this"

"He's my Ex that cheated on me, okay"



During lunch, I was looking for my friends when someone called me

I turned around 




"So how have you been"

"i've been fine"

"Nice, that's good to hear"


"Hey, um about High school, I didn't mean to cheat on you"


"what, you didn't mean to"

"yeah, she just kinda"

"she?, you, kinda fell in love with her"

"I'm sorry"

"It's fine, that's in the past, I moved on"

I walked away but he gripped my hand 

"Y/n, It was nice Seeing You Again" 

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