Amor vincit omnia

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"It looks beautiful"

Samaira opened her eyes and looked to her right. Her elder sister Priya was sitting next to her. No She wasnt going crazy. She just loved her sister too much to let her go from her life or thoughts. "I love full moon nights," she said looking up at the sky . "Tired?" asked her sister looking up as well. "No , just ..." Samaira said trying to hold back tears .  "No. I'm just confused." She said wrapping her shawl around her shoulders. "I love him ..I love him too much "she told her sister. Her sister, her number one confidant , someone who had always been there for Samaira and now all of a sudden she felt all alone.  

"Love who?" questioned Samaira though she knew the answer yet some questions had to be asked  in the hope that it would clear up the mess and reveal one's true feelings.

"Sidhanth" mumbled Samaira with a deep sigh. " I love my husband so much and I cant even tell him," she said wondering about the situation ,her marriage and hoping for the man she loved to say it back.

"Have you told him this?" questioned her sister, "told him? told him? We don't even speak to each other apart from our morning conversation about what he will eat for lunch, whether mum will be home for the weekend or not." Angry, Samaira was angry. This wasn't how she thought her marriage would be , like most of the girls Samaira also dreamt about a fairytale wedding except white horse and a king riding on it. But She did dream of a marriage where the man was hopelessly in love with her , in so much love that she could see it reflecting in his eyes. Exactly the way it reflected in her eyes. But, she couldnt even make that complaint. Sidhanth had no idea that in last few months, Samaira had changed the rules and now she was stuck at a place where going back meant ignoring what was building up inside her and going forward meant loving Sidhanth from far while staying closest to him.

With all these thoughts in her mind, Samaira looked to her right again maybe her sister would have an answer. " You know Sam, I used to always be jealous of you. When I would give up at first step , you would keep fighting till the last. You never gave up midway then why now?  Is Sidhanth not worth it? or this love is not worth fighting for? If answer to either is Yes then leave him before these emotions kill you from within and if my girl, the answer is No and this love is that love which comes once in a lifetime and then you fight. Fight with all you have so even if you lose, you will know you did give it your all" said her sister with those kind eyes and a smile full of love for her younger sister.


Hi Everyone,

Hope you read this one and like it . Please give your reviews, suggestions . I love to write but am also learning to write. 

Hopefully, this story stays with you.

Lots of Love

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