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gwen was screaming out and dancing to music that was playing into her headphones while everyone was talking.
"and i'm here, to remind you, of the mess you left when you went away! its not fair, to deny me of the cross i bear that you gave to me! you, you, you oughta know!" gwen sang loudly
Everyone except Jay all looked at her and laughed.

"Anybody know when Jay is getting here?" Nate questioned

Gwen took off her headphones "shush Do y'all hear that?" gwen questioned as she hears basketball sound. "Leia must be back!!!"

Everyone comes running to Leia's grandparents house and looks for Leia.

"Gwen!!!" Leia runs up and hugs Gwen super tight

"Leia!" Gwen screamed. Everyone stares at the Maggie who is walking out of the house

"Leia what's with all th-" Maggie got interrupted by Gwen

"Who are u?! Your so pretty!" Gwen said

"Awh thank you! You are too! I'm Maggie her older sister" Maggie said proudly

Y'all all talk for a little and decide to go into the basement

Sorry for the short chapter. I new chapter will be out soon! Comments? What do we think?

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