6 I am sorry

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Oliver POV:

"Uhh, how did you find me?" "Hmm, baby idk" Regie responded with a flirtatious tone.  How did he know I was at the bar? Maybe it's not Regie and just another person, nah no way it's Regie, he hates me now. So who was it that called me babe... "So do you still think I am annoying ?" I said depressed. "No no no no Oliver you misunderstood me.  Jackie and I  were playing this game 2 truth 1 lie and 1 of the lies was you were annoying. I am really really sorry please forgive me. Yk how worried I was, you suddenly go to a club and even WENT INTO A GAY BAR." Regie responded sincerely. I was tired but I still heard everything and shortly after  I closed my eyes. 

Regie POV:
Wtf, why isn't he responding to me maybe he is still mad at me, yeah he is probably still mad at me, I should give him time. Ik he is sensitive to these things I shouldn't have made up that lie, I should have rather said I am straight. I hate myself, I made the most important person in my life sad and even pushed him so far into entering a gay bar. Usually, he hates going to bars, and he had a phobia of people harassing him, when he was younger, a friend pulled down his underwear and try putting his private part in him. That joke went too far which caused him of having phobias of going to clubs and especially being friends with boys. Thankfully he overcome his fear of that and started to hang out with boys and even being in the NSB was a blessing from god  cuz at that time before NSB even started recording,  he was ab to leave just cuz of that prank his friend did to him when he was 11.  And now he was able to go to a gay bar without anyone accompanying him was just very shocking to me. He was also ab to get harassed by that guy, that guy was literally grinding on Olivers clothes ass.  Luckily I saved him before he would have gone through something worse..

After 20 min later, they are finally home.  

Finally, we were home, I turned myself just to see Oliver sleeping. Damn he is so cute, look at him sleeping so peacefully. I didn't want to wake him up so I removed his seatbelt carried him  bridal style and went inside our room. I gently placed him down on the bed, removing his shoes and socks, then put the blanket covers on him. 

The next day

Oliver POV:
Omg what time is it. 12:29 I slept so long omg. But why didn't they wake me up, usually when I don't wake up at 9:00 the boys will march inside my room and start making a mess. Anyways my stomach was growling so I went downstairs to the kitchen. Wow damn why is the house so quite, usually it's like a zoo. Regie Seb Darren would be always playing some sort of video game, while Justin makes content and Ryan streams on twitch. Suddenly a voice popped out of no where and said:" Hey Oli" Oh it was Regie "He- Hey Regie whe-re everyone else?" I asked nervously "Oli why you stumbling on your words didn't I tell you yesterday I don't think your annoying. The boys went to watch a movie."Regie responded "Wait you sure you don't hate me, wasn't that all a dream." I asked "Oliver pls stop " "But I guess it was cuz no way in heaven that you will like me back." I started crying "Omg Oliver I am sorry I really don't hate you! I was playing this game 2 truth  1 lie  and 1 of the was that you were annoying.I LOVE YOU OLIVER MOY AND THIS ISN'T A DREAM!"Regie  said with his loud and clear voice "Nah pls wake me up from this dream I kno-"

Regie suddenly kissed me. Oliver was shocked for a sec but kissed him back. The kiss started slowly but suddenly turned into a heated one. 

Hiii guys sorry for not updating for quite sometime. I will try update more but pls know I am quite buy  AND TY FOR ALL THE SUPPORT! 💜

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