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L/N Family Grave.

Y/N carefully takes out an box sighing in relief as nothing was broken, placing down white lillie flowers and red roses to his family grave in a neat way.

Then he puts the box full of everyone's favourite cakes, smiling sadly as he places that on the offering plate before hissing in pain slightly when he accidentally stretches one of his bones that had took a beating.

He was half english half chinese, so most of the kids would make fun of him and beat him up, sighing as he rubs the area to calm the aching pain, he though lives with his old grandma not far from the gravesite, just a 30 minute walk.

Did I forget to mention that he lives in China? yet doesn't understand a thing anyone says, he was glad his grandma was able to speak fluent english from his mother.

However in an accident last year, his family died due to an fire he was the only one to make it, his Grandma took him in time before he could be casted as an outcast. Putting his hands together and respectfully bowing to the grave for a solid minute.

Silence was in the air and it was nice, rising up and grabbing his stuff, waving to the grave and carefully jogs away.

"Hm? Oh Y/N my dear, did you really get beaten up again?" Grandma Hope as he calls her swiftly comes to his side with the first aid tending to Y/N's wounds who bites into a cloth trying not to scream when Grandma Hope places hydrocarbon on his cutted wound.

"HM!!" "I know I know, sorry dear"

After that hell Y/N slouches to his room with a tough sigh leaving his mouth, gazing upon his Tv. Sure his Grandma Hope was rich but he still felt so incomplete...

Placing his bag down and sitting his ass down onto his bed that bounces from the contact, playing with one of hid bandages on his arms wincing slightly "Just my day..."

"What do you mean by that!"

Y/N's ears perked up at his grandmas sudden Chinese, slowly peaking out his door to see that she was yelling over the phone in her home language whiles making dinner, he was confused yet amused.

Even if he can't understand chinese well, he finds it laughable when theres an argument.

"Y/N can't possibly...he can't...look I'll figure it out if I sense it now bug off ya creep!"

Hearing his name he suddenly goes serious and opens his door slowly going to his grandma who notices his presence and smiles "Y/N, are you okay?"

Y/N's eyes softened, he couldn't do this to his poor Grandma.

"I'm fine grandma, but what's for dinner today?" He smiles down at her making her awe and pinch his cheeks causing him to laugh "Ramen and dumplings!" Y/N nods smiling more, he always liked it when she cooks.

晚餐 | DINNER!

Y/N sighed in happiness as he finishes his bowl of ramen, eating an dumpling happily.

Yet he noticed his grandma looking slightly saddened and looks at her in concern "Grandma, are you sure your the one who isn't okay?" Grandma Hope just snaps out of her sadden gaze smiling at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2023 ⏰

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