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→ where you first met

→ dove vi siete incontrati per la prima volta



⤿ You two met on the first day of school

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⤿ You two met on the first day of school. He was a new student so they had charged you to show him the school.
⤿ Every time you turned around to make sure he was following you, you found him staring at you.
⤿ Before you went back to class, he asked you for your address, because he wanted to see you, but he didn't have a phone. He said he liked you.

⤿ Vi siete incontrati il primo giorno di scuola. Lui era un nuovo studente per questo ti avevano incaricato di fargli vedere la scuola.
⤿ Ogni volta che ti giravi per controllare che ti stesse seguendo lo trovavi intento a fissarti.
⤿ Prima di tornare in classe ti aveva chiesto il tuo indirizzo, perché voleva rivederti ma non aveva un telefono. Disse che gli stavi simpaticx.


⤿ You two met for the first time in her studio

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⤿ You two met for the first time in her studio. You were a new devil hunter and they had to put you in a division.
⤿ She immediately put you in the fourth division with senpai Hayakawa, because she found that he would take care of you.
⤿ Before leaving her studio,  she smiled at you:  "See you soon, (name)-chan!"

⤿ Vi siete incontrati per la prima volta nel suo studio. Eri unx nuovx devil hunter e dovevano metterti in una divisione.
⤿ Ti ha subito messo nella quarta divisione con il senpai Hayakawa, perché trovava che si sarebbe occupato bene di te.
⤿ Prima di uscire dal suo studio ti ha salutato sorridendo: "A presto, (nome)-chan!"

♡ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐀𝐖 𝐌𝐀𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐒 ❞Where stories live. Discover now