I found you and I'm never letting you go again

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Everything was different for Rick Dixon Grimes when he woke up in that hospital bed a few hours ago. While he was in a coma the world ended, people turned into monsters that would hunt and kill you, turning you into one of them if you got bit or scratched by one. Not many people were left alive and Rick thought he was the only one left when he woke up and found the hospital trashed and his family home deserted. The only way he knew his family were alive was the family photo albums and pictures on the walls were took down and gone, Daryl must have took them with him when he'd left with thier son Carl. With help from a man called Morgan told him to head to the city of Atlanta which sadly ended up being a bad idea for the city was over run with the dead and Rick ended up in a tank to protect himself from being bitten. That's when he met Glenn and the other group of surviors who had a camp close to the city where others were staying. After helping them get out of the city they headed back to thier camp where Rick was a bit nervous for some strange reason.

"Don't worry about the rest of the group" One of the men told Rick as they pulled up into the camp. "They are going to be happy to see another one of us" He told Rick before he opened the door and went to go see his family. Rick took a deep breath and got out the truck, his eyes widening when he saw Shane standing there, his eyes also wide. When he looked around the camp he took a step back when he saw his boy and husband standing there, looking at him shocked also. He let the shock of seeing them again rush away as he started walking quickly towards his boy and husband.

"Dad! Dad!" Carl shouted as he ran towards Rick with a huge smile on his face. Once close enough Rick picked his son up in his arms and held him close. He couldn't believe his son was alive. He saw his husband walking over and he quickly went to him, wrapping a arm around him as Daryl did the same. He'd found his family, this was all he wanted the entire time he had been looking. A older man came forward with a smile on his face.

"So you must be Rick I'm guessing?" He asked as Rick pulled away from his husband to look at the man speaking to him, still holding Carl close to him.

"Yes I am, Rick Grimes" He said, holding his hand out so the man could shake his hand. The man smiled and took Rick's hand in his own, shaking it lightly.

"Dale" He said as he looked to Daryl with a raised eyebrow. "To be honest with you Daryl I thought you were making him up" He said and Daryl wrapped an arm around his husband.

"I wouldn't lie about the man I'm in love with you hear?" He said and Dale backed off lightly a smile on his face.

"I have no idea how you got out of there alive but I'm sure as hell happy to see ya" Rick turned to the voice and looked at his old partner with a smile, placing Carl down on the ground before hugging Shane tightly.

"Never thought I'd see your ugly face again but here we are" He told Shane with a light chuckle.

"Rick?" He pulled away from his partner to see his wife Lori standing there, a smile on her face. She ran towards him and wrapped her arms around him tightly, Rick returning the gesture. "It's so good to see you alive" She said as she pulled away from him.

"It's good to see you guys too" He told her, looking at her before turning to Shane with a smile. He felt an arm wrap around his wait again and he turned to see his husband smiling at him.

"I thought you were dead" He said before Rick wrapped him up in a tight hug to keep him close.

"I'm not, this is real and no dream. I'm home Daryl" He told his husband who just hugged him back tigher.

"You came back to us, I always knew you would come back to us, somehow" He said to his lover who just placed his forehead against his husband's.

"And I'm not going anywhere, I'm here to stay" He told him as he kissed him lightly. Rick had finally found his family but what was going to happen to the group in the near future would put them all to the test.

(I have just started rewatching TWD and I fell in love with this ship so I decided to write for it. I will be sticking to the plot of TWD but just changing it slightly to match up with how I'm writing it. I hope you like my story and I will update it as much as possible since I'm busy with college at the moment)

I lost you once I'm not going to do that againحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن