The past and it's problems

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Rick had found his family, the people he loved and cared for. He didn't give up hope that they weren't alive, he just knew that they would be. As he walked through the camp he got to know the other campers who were living there. There was Amy who was Andrea's younger sister. They had met Dale while out there and the three had stuck together and were like a little family. There was Carol, a sweet lady who was very kind to him when came to the camp. He also met her little girl Sofia who was around Carl's age so they would play together.

All these new people and some people he already knew, it was just good to see some alive people then those creatures that walked around the area. While Carl went to play with Sofia, Rick decided he wanted to spend some time with his husband. So he walked into the woods where he was hunting and smiled as he watched him look around for prey. 

"Still good at tracking huh?" He asked as his husband turned to look at him and his body relaxed. 

"Yeah, I am" He said to him as he walked over and stood near his husband. "I see you went back to get your uniform before you came looking for us" He said to Rick as he ran his hand around the back of his neck.

"Well it was the only nice clothes I had left when I went to the station" He told him with a light chuckle, looking up into his husband's eyes. Daryl let out a small chuckle as he looked at his lover.

"I can't say it doesn't still look good on you" He told him, running his fingers through his lover's hair in a caring way. The way the left things before Rick got shot weren't great. They were arguing all the time and it just wouldn't stop. It was the small things that they were fighting about and it just didn't seem that they were going to get along. Then Rick got shot and everything in Daryl's life was turned upside down. His husband in hospital, having to look after Carl on his own, then the end of the world? Nobody would have expected that at all.

"Hey, I know we said some bad things to each other before everything happened but if I had known somehow you would get shot and I would lose you in that way, I would have taken them back in a heartbeat" Daryl wasn't really a one to express how he felt so hearing him say this made Rick's heart melt.

"Hey, it's okay Daryl" He told him, placing a hand on the back of his head. "A lot happened with us before that and it's all forgotten. The only thing I care about is that you and Carl are safe" He said to him. "We are all okay" He said to him as he placed his lips against his lover's and wrapped his arms around him. A lot had happened but now they were back together and that's all that mattered to Rick.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2023 ⏰

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