Chapter Twenty Eight - [His Brilliance]

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Hi everyone!

Once again, thank you so much for reading and supporting me! As promised in my announcement, since it took me longer than expected to make this post, I will be posting a second upload right after this! Enjoy!

Don't forget to vote and comment to let me know your thoughts! <3

Love, Luckycharms <3



It was Thursday.

Milo and Thea were hard at work that Thursday and though Thea knew she had three days left, the anxiety was welling up in her despite knowing she was doing her best. She had done absolutely everything she could to ensure that these days were not interrupted by nonsense.

Thankfully, it looked like her putting her foot down had made Phyl back off entirely, going as far as ignoring her whenever they crossed paths. And Railand... well, he had switched over to simply glaring and Thea knew her threat to report him to the General had worked.

Sure, strangers still stared at her and sure she knew they were still spreading rumours about her honour and her personal life, but she tried not to focus on that. She had important things to focus on and people who could help her with that.

The support of her team... her new family... was more than enough to keep her focused... and by Thursday, Thea and Milo had gone through his entire notebook, rewritten all of his poems in their own notebooks, and on their own, analyzed them to the best of their capabilities.

Thursday was the day they had planned to come together and figure as much out as possible.

Milo was ready with his maps and his books and everything else that they would need and when the two sat down to begin, somehow... neither of them knew where to start.

"Let's do this the simplest way possible," she said. "Who, what, where, when, why and how."

Milo chuckled. "Good idea," he opened up to a fresh page in his notebook before he wrote 'Who' on the first page, 'What' on the second, 'Where' on the third, and so on. "We'll start with 'who,' and if we need to flip around, we will."

Thea nodded. "Who... he never mentions his real name, a last name... or any name at all in any of the poems."

"No name," he said as he wrote it. "What do you think that means?"

"It means he was trying to hide his identity as a poet from day one. Maybe that had to do with his idea of using his poetry as a means of fighting the war and therefore wanted to be anonymous?"

Milo was jotting her words down. "Or he was a Crow from the beginning and knew to keep himself anonymous."

Thea nodded. "Right."

"What else for who?" Milo asked, flipping back to his own notes.

"He's got a brother who's dead... most likely killed by the State," if that wasn't made clear in the very first poem that was in the notebook, it was made perfectly clear in others. Specifically in one she had read for the first time last night.

They took my dear brother from me today.
They pushed him down onto his knees and they
Shot him.
His brilliance splattered across the floor.
A pool of deep red leaked all around him,
The same colour as the rage within me.

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