A Puddle Galaxy

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Every now and then a puddle on the earth you know will reflect the night sky to show you all the stars above looking up at you instead of looking down, It's easy to miss but if you look closely enough you might just see that the stars in that puddle are not the same stars at all and that's when you know you have found a small rip in reality that not many find, you have yourself an entrance to the puddle galaxy. When that puddle dries up another forms then opens and so on. There is always a way in but you might not find your way out. For those who trip and fall into one of these puddles most land on earth's mirror planet, Htrae, where little of the earth you know can be seen. The land is the land but the people and creatures are far from what you may expect.

Ophelia Fernsby - A Puddle GalaxyWhere stories live. Discover now