Beauty Within

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For my dearest friend BiancaSantana880 I'm so sorry it took so long Happy Late birthday ps sorry the ending might be rushed.

Date: Dec 30, 2022
Subject: Beauty Within

Gosalyn was Playing basketball in her front yard. She was concentrating hard and scored 8 baskets. " That's right nothing will stop Gosalyn Mallard. While she was playing her hardest someone was watching. Binkie muddlefoots there neighbor. She really wasn't a fan of the latina girl and thought she was nothing but trouble. She was not lady like and a girl of her age should have a boyfriend.

" Oh Gosalyn dear. Must you behave like a boy it's unattractive for a young lady". Binkie said. Coming up to the young girl. Gosalyn rolled her eyes. " And didn't you know most ladies mind there own business your not my mom". Binkie gasped. " How dare you speak to me like that I bet your dad would never let you act like this". She put her hand on her heart. " Actually my dad hates you and your dumb husband so there". Gosalyn was not afraid to show her spirit self. Binkie had to think of a plan and as soon as the thought hit her head she smiled. " You know I actually had a talk with your dad and he said he secretly wishes you were more lady like". Gosalyn was in disbelief. " Yeah right" Binkie nodded " oh but he did" Gosalyn felt tears burn her eyes. She believes Drake loved her. But she felt wrong. " Thank you for telling me Binkie". She ran in the house in tears. Binkie smiled. ". Now you will act like a lady".

Later on that day Drake went upstairs. " Gosalyn honey come downstairs for dinner". He opened the door and what he saw made him gasp. His tomboy daughter had her hair down with a pink bow and a pink dress she wore makeup. " Gosalyn you look Beautiful". He said. Gosalyn curtsied. " Thank you". Drake was confused on her behavior but didn't say anything.

Dinner was strange and during the next week Gosalyn had been acting more and more like a lady. One day they were invited to go with the McDuck to adventure. Some Demon monkeys were guarding a treasure. So they all piled in the Sun chaser Gosalyn was wearing a sky blue dress and the boys were each flirting with her. Huey gave her flowers, Dewey compliments her beauty and Louie gave her some money from Uncle Scrooge money bin. " Isn't this from the bin". Gosalyn asked. Louie shrugged. " Your worth every penny".

Gosalyn raised an eyebrow. " Are you sure your not going to get in trouble".

" Relax after we get the jewel it would be worth more than a few pennies". Louie said. Meanwhile Webby was feeling jealous. She wanted to be the girl who got the most attention she was Scrooge daughter after all. " That's still my dad's money you know" she said frowning. The boys rolled there eyes. Eventually they made it to there destination. The monkeys swarmed everywhere. The boys decided to protect Gosalyn. All it results was a bunch of fighting and Gosalyn getting kidnapped and brought to the monkey demon king who decided to make her his bride. Gosalyn screamed. She was put on a post and tied her arms out. The King smirked and she struggles screaming. Just then They heard a voice. " I am the terror that flaps in the night l, I am the dirty sock in your laundry of crime I am Darkwing Duck". Darkwing punched the demon king and saves Gosalyn. " Are you ok". He asks her. She nods smiling. " Thanks dad". They hug.

Scrooge comes in with the ruby and they all go home. Gosalyn was still acting Girly and Drake started to worry more.

" LP I just don't know what to do it's like she is changing it's scaring me". Drake said worried one day after they returned home. Lauchpad smiled. " DW I think you should just accept this is Gosalyn now I'm sure this is just a faze. It's ok she is still the same girl she just likes to wear dresses now".

Drake sighed. " I suppose I can accept that. I still miss my little girl blue though". Lauchpad smiled. " Don't worry you will get used to it". Drake nods. He decided to tell Gosalyn he loves her no matter how she dresses or behaves.

He goes to her room and he sees her put on a purple dress. " Gosalyn why are you acting like this"? Gosalyn was about to lie but Drake held up a hand. " The truth Gosalyn if someone is bullying you into doing this I want to know. Because I miss and love my tomboy daughter". He said. Gosalyn eyes welled up with tears. " You love me"? She asks tears going down her cheeks. He nods. She takes a deep breath and tells him everything that Binkie said. Needless to say Drake was furious at Binkie. " How dare she say such things to you. Gosalyn honey I love you for you". He said hugging his daughter. Gosalyn burst into tears and Drake comfort her.

Later that day Binkie got a not so friendly visit from Drake. She realizes she was wrong and apologized to Gosalyn. Who only accepted because it's the nice thing. But she and Drake when Binkie left both mutters. " Bitch".

Two weeks have passed and Gosalyn was back to her tomboy self. And if Binkie had anything to say in the matter she did not care. For Gosalyn knew her dad loves her for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2023 ⏰

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