Chapter 1:October 28,1968

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"Come back you ass-hole"

'I can't stop now, I need to keep going.'

"I ain't done with you,Bitch"

     This fateful night marks the end of my career and my life. You may be wondering why this moment marks the end of my life. Well, shall we start from the day it all started. It was a cold fall morning in the year of 1968 and I was doing my daily rounds passing newspapers through the neighborhood. I was alone this morning which is quite unusual for me because I always had my trusty sidekick Cedric. He apparently had called in sick for the week, even though when he was sick he would come into work anyways. So I just shrugged it off and concluded that he had a family affair to deal with.

     When I finished my shift that morning I rode my bike to the newest diner in town 'Smoky Mountain Pancake House' for Breakfast. I had gotten the 'Country Ham and Eggs Breakfast' which is two eggs, and a choice of country ham or ham steak, which I chose the country ham; for drink I had orange juice. After I ate this scrumptious meal I rode my bike to clock in at my day job at the 'Gold Rush Junction'. I don't do much at this Job as I only pass out little toy guns to the kids on the train ride and play  a small part in the reenactment.

     Once I Finished this job I usually went straight home, but today I had a gut feeling that I should go and see Cedric. When I arrived at his house it felt a little irry, and Something was off about it. I looked closely and noticed that the gnome in his front lawn was broken and missed placed. Cedric always had a place for everything and wouldn't let it go unnoticed when it happened. So I Carefully walked to the window and peaked in. Someone was in his house and it wasn't his Wife, so I quickly went to his neighbors to ask if I could use their phone.

"911, What is your emergency"

"Hi, um, I went to check up on my coworker just a couple of seconds ago and I  noticed that his gnome was misplaced and broken. So I quietly went to the window and noticed 2 suspicious unknown men in his house. I also noticed that his front door knob was broken. So I am worried about him and his wife's safety."

"What's your name, age and location"

"My name is Julio Gonzolus Hernandez, I am 18, and I'm located at 8121 Ski Mountain Rd, Gatlinburg, TN 37738, Rt 321."

"Ok, where are you at right now? Are you at a safe place? What's your co-worker's name?"

"Yes I'm at a safe place. I am at his next door neighbors house and I told them what I saw and gave them a warning. My co-worker's name is Cedric Montoya Filipo-Sanchez."

"Ok, is the address you gave me his address or the neighbors address?"

"His address"

"Ok stay on the line and I will send out dispatch"

"Ok, Thank you"

     I Stayed on the line for quite awhile before I heard the sirens of the emergency vehicles. I looked out the window to see how many came and if they went into the house. There were County Sheriff deputies that came but several minutes later State Police came. So I went out of the neighbors house to find out what happened inside Cedric's house. There were so many officers and deputies running in and out of the house that it was hard to get one's attention, then I heard one of the deputies call for an ambulance. I finally got a hold of one of the officers to talk to him about what happened.

"Excuse me, Officer"

"Yes, Sonny"

"Do you know what happened there? I called for help because I was worried about my Co-Worker."

" Well Ya know Sonny, the Co-worker ya worried about ain't nowhere to be seen."

" Really!? What about his wife? She was pregnant and due next month."

"Well,She is deceased and for the baby god bless that kid's heart is also deceased. They just took that baby out of that lady's stomach like nobody's business. Well let god look over them both in heaven ya know what I mean."

"Ya, I do. Well, do you know if they will continue to find the murderer?"

" Welp we gotta see how long it's gonna take us to find that son of a demon before we have to close the case."

     After the discussion with the officer. I wanted to pay my respects to Cedric's wife.So I gave a quick prayer to her and left the crime scene. She felt like a mother to me, since my mother wasn't really around. My mother was working two - three jobs to pay the bills and to put food on the table. Some days after work I would always go to their house with Cedric to join them for dinner. Sometimes though I don't see his wife Dottie; Cedric says she's at work, Although I didn't by it. Oh how much I will miss those days.When I finished my respects to Dottie, I went back home and went straight to bed.

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