Chapter 1: A New Morning

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I woke up feeling drowsy as usual, as all normal teenagers feel, nearly falling out of the bed to get up. I looked at my phone as the alarm rang for 7:10 a.m. meaning it was time to get ready for work.

"Damn it's already time to wake up?"


"I barely got any sleep last night, I'm not gonna be able to handle socializing with people today."

I turned over and slipped my feet out of the covers towards the floor, slipping my house shoes on. I began to adventure towards getting dressed and ready to start the day. I looked around my room for my blue jeans hoping they would be close so I didn't waste any time having to look for them. I spotted them on top of my dresser ready to be used for work. At least they were ready for work. I started searching around for my sweater, it's been getting colder lately since it's the middle of November and the store never turns on the heater. I slipped into my jeans and sweater making sure my shirt underneath covered my ass so I wouldn't get more unwanted stares from a 70 year old man. As I was busy getting dressed my lovely little cat decided to wake up and remind her mom that she needs to be fed before I leave. My cat Dumpling decides to stretch and walk towards her mother, finally jumping down off the bed going towards her food and water dispenser.

"Mweo Wwww.....Mweo Www.......MWEO WWW"

"I hear you dumpling, goodness, you act like you haven't eaten in a day. You ate like 3 hours ago and your bowl still has food."

I smiled at her before shaking my head and picking up her cat food scooper. I headed into the living room, going to grab Dumpling a scoop of her cat food, making sure to pour my sweet boy, Sebastian, a good cup of cat food for him as well. I head back to give Dumpling her share of cat food, pouring it for her as she immediately digs into her food. I finally started finishing up my outfit for the day, making sure to pick out which little headband to wear today, going with my favorite blue one. Spraying some perfume and not forgetting my deodorant for the day, I make my way towards the door to start my car. I had a pretty unique car. I had always wanted a convertible, but no particular model of convertible stuck out when I saw this one. A bright red Volkswagen New Beetle, with a convertible hood. Perfect for the summer, but sadly it's still in the winter season. I open my car door, getting in to start my car. Cranking my car I let it idle a bit and hook my bluetooth to the radio, selecting a playlist for the 30 minute car drive into town. I backed up and made my way down thru the driveway, making sure to check my road before I pulled out, finally heading out to start a new day at work. Little did I know that today would be the first time I had a real conversation with the guy I had rarely seen, the guy I fell in love with.








Helloooo!!! This is a new work I've started on, and it's been a very long time since I've wrote a story. I'm excited to start back on writing again and excited to see how many people will view this story. Heck I'd be grateful too just have even one viewer lol. I hope y'all enjoy this series as much as I'm going to. The next 2 chapters are going to be a little short like this one so I can get used to writing again and so I can fully explain the context of this story before we just start diving into it without a proper beginning, SOOO I hope Ya'll all enjoy it and I'm looking forward to making this for all of you wanting to read it!!

I never really knew this man until after a year of working at 'Lucky's Paradise' (This is what I'll be calling my workplace since I'm not going to mention the real name). We worked together, but just in different departments. It wasn't until I got a promotion that I started to build a relationship beyond two ordinary co-workers. Our relationship is very rocky and has a lot of things wrong and yet right with it, and I'm not saying everything's okay with it, but I'm tired of feeling like I can't express my opinion. When it came to him though, I couldn't sit back like I usually did. I needed him to know that I was going to be there for him even if the situation was wrong. I'm still struggling with this issue till this day, and I don't know how it's going to end up so I'm just writing this to express how I feel. I want to put it out there rather than bottle it up like every other time. So, I hope y'all look forward to my little re-made version of my feelings XD!

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