A final farewell to Wattpad, and welcoming AO3

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So... You might be wondering, 'why are they moving to AO3??'

Well, one, I'm an impulsive little shit, and we've been thinking about it for a while, and to put it bluntly and stuff, we've pretty much grown out of Wattpad, and we're moving to a more 'mature' site, and take that with a grain of salt and stuff-

We're leaving this account almost entirely, and switching to AO3 as our main Fanfiction platform, but the account will still stay active, so y'all can read our stories!

We still have some fanfics that we adore, and can't leave behind, so we will still be using this app/site for those, but you pretty much get no more posts, unless we want to-

*Oh fuck, I'm gonna cry over switching accounts-*

We didn't want to leave, but we feel as if we must, even in the short time we've been on here, our writing has grown, and our pickiness for fanfiction has as well, and after our ex left us, it's all been going downhill-

We just can't keep it up anymore and stuff, and this might be our final decision for the time being.

Even though we consider AO3 a site for 'good writers' and we consider ourselves a mediocre one at best, I feel as if Wattpad just can't offer us what we want anymore and shit-

We've also thought about what we were going to do with Two Unlikely Worlds and our other fanfics, and we've decided on leaving the unfinished works on here, and transferring them to AO3, even if it may take a bit-

We were planning on waiting until we finished TUW and were starting on the sequel to switch over, but since it seems like it'll never come soon enough, and we'll end up caving in and staying, we're moving earlier than... Expected-.

I blame no reader, and it's kind of our fault-

A bit after writing this, our Wattpad account will become an 'archive' of sorts, and our AO3 account will be getting updates to it

As I've said before, it's kind of our fault, and after what happened with Unthought/Unthrough, it just all went downhill, and if I'm being honest, updating TUW has become a bit of a chore, as half of the time it reminds us of them, even though it was our own idea

But I'm dragging this on, aren't I?

Ah, well, I better wrap this up...

We thank you all for the memories, and the cringy moments we made because in 2021, when we were 12, we weren't the best writer, and our writing has improved over time, with the help of '350 other words for said', and Grammarly, and we're pretty much done with Wattpad, I don't know how else to put it-

...I think that's it, eh?

Wait, wait, I almost forgot!

You're probably wondering what our new AO3 account is, huh?

Well then, let me tell you~

ClayNotDead , yeah, we're not original-

But anywho, our new account on AO3 is ClayNotDead, and we hope to see you there~!

But, let me wrap this up, seriously...

We thank you all for the memories we've made here, we really appreciate it.

And we hope to see you all later~! Maybe on here, maybe on AO3, who knows?

This is Black Heart/Vixen, from A Tired System, signing off, for possibly the last time, farewell Wattpad~~!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2023 ⏰

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