Chapter 6-2

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'It will look simply amazing on you, dear!' Lisa exclaimed as Mel looked in the mirror holding the off white golden satin gown in front of her. She herself was displeased, but at least it was better than anything else. All of the others were heavily decorated while this one was particularly plain and had been named "Simplicity".

Mel couldn't believe she'd been in a gown shop for almost half an hour, looking through the various gowns. Mistress Lisa was a pleasant woman, who had many customers but all the same, she kept them all happy. Just as Mel was thinking of finalizing it, the door of the shop opened and someone came in. Mel didn't bother, till she got a slight glimpse of the bright green hair. She turned around and groaned.

Her hair was tightly held, but slightly left off in a manner that caught your attention. She was wearing her usual purple dress, not the uniform, being one of the few who showed contempt for the rules. Her face was clean and she would have looked beautiful, had it not been for her contemptuous expression. Lydia was a mage student at the academy. While it was indeed banned to discuss rank and status, Lydia and her friends were some who would go to any length to make everybody know of their being from elite families. She had her cronies were the complete opposites of Mel. The formers always wanted the limelight, while Mel was of the quiet type.

'How much for this one?' Lydia said, not noticing Mel. She was pointing to the huge pink gown Mel had not even bothered to look at.

'It's a thousand and a half, dear' Lisa said. A few more customers diverted her attention. Mel tried to look unconcerned as Lydia browsed through the variety. She didn't notice her till she was right next to her.

'What are you doing here?' Lydia asked, as if she was talking to a beggar. 'This is a shop for the rich!'

'Just browsing...' Mel said vaguely, sounding casual. She actually felt like laughing at Lydia's expression.

'Well, don't get to cosy' Lydia said contemptuously. 'You won't be able to afford anything anyway!'

She threw down the gown she was holding.

'I'm not sure I'll come here again' she said aloud. Lisa came running. 'I think I'll prefer the other shop after seeing who comes here'

With that, she marched to the door, while Mel couldn't help laughing. Lisa quickly picked up the gown she had thrown and hung it back onto the shelf.

'Never mind her, dear' Lisa said. Mel was holding the same gown. 'So should I finalize that?'

'Yes, I think this one will do' Mel said.

'Alright' Lisa said cheerfully. 'I'll have it delivered to your home. You'll return it tomorrow, right?'

Mel nodded and handed her a spare key of the house. This was a usual practice in these parts.

'Take care, dear!' Lisa said, smiling. 'Don't bother Lydia. Nobody really likes her!'

She winked. Mel smiled and winked back as he left.

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